Endorsements of Exodus |
3:6 |
Jesus called Exodus the Book of Moses and quotes from it. |
Mark 12:26 |
3:6 |
Jesus relied on the tense of the verb for proof, showing reliability |
Mark 12:26 |
4:12 |
God promised Moses that he would speak the words of God |
6:13 |
Moses claims God spoke to him. Cases are frequent. |
15:27 |
Moses wrote as an eyewitness. Note the details recorded. |
19:5 |
Jeremiah quotes God as alluding to Exodus |
Jeremiah 17:23 |
24:4 |
Moses claims to be writing for God. |
24:7 |
The writer of 2 Kings knew of Exodus, called the Book of the Covenant. |
2 Kings 23:21 |
25:14 |
The writer of 1 Chronicles said that Exodus was from God. |
1 Chron. 15:15 |
32:13 |
Moses quoted Genesis, showing that he had a copy. |
Joshua frequently cited the events of Exodus |
2:10; 4:23; 24:6 |
The Psalmist had Exodus and knew its events. |
Psalm 106:9 |
The Lord refers to Exodus events in Jeremiah. |
Jeremiah 2:6 |
Paul cited the events of Exodus and the wilderness as truth. |
1 Cor. 10:1 - 4 |
The writer of Hebrews cited passing through the Red Sea from Exodus |
Hebrews 11:29 |