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Suggestions for Additions or Corrections will be much appreciated.

Ralph Johnson, 11435 10th Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98168,

Telephone: (206) 244-7984.

Fax. (206) 244-7984.

E-mail: [email protected]

Note: Inevitably this index contains many errors because it was compiled by hand from reading the book rather than having the manuscript on computer. We request the readers' help in making corrections.

Note: Ladies references may be found under either/both maiden or married names.

Note: Look for Churches by city name first.

Note: Dates are primarily related to the point referred to in the life of Archie in the book rather than the actual time of events. We would be pleased with any assistance in correcting misleading dates.


Addleman, Charles (State Secretary of United Christian Missionary Society, 429 (1949)

Ali, Mohammed (boxing champ), 526 (1962)

Allen, A. A. (Pentecostal evangelist), 472 (1957)

Allen, Lloyd, 310 (1939)

Alley, James Matthew (preacher), 277 (1935), 281 (1935), 297 (1936 "dunned" for a tie), 419 (1948), 420 (1948)

Allison, V. K. (preacher, college teacher), 132 (1926), 411 (1948), 449 (1951)

Allumbaugh, 230 (1934)

Ames, E. Scribner (Disciples preacher), 161 (1929)

Appel, Leon (college president), 310 (1939), 311 (1939), 358 (1945), 401 (1947)

Applebury, T. Ralph (preacher, college teacher), 410 (1948), 449 (1951)

Applegate, Joseph (student preacher at Crabtree, Oregon), 123 (1926), 134 (1926), 168 (1929 289 (1935)

Arbuckle, Fatty (movie star), 57

Arents, Lewis H. Jr. (newspaper writer), 575 (1980)

Arnold, Nellie (Word) (Archie's sister), 9, 41, 46 (notes), 63 (notes), 74, 80, 81, 84 (notes), 129 (1926), 143 (notes), 212 (1932), 218 (notes), 247 (1934), 269 (notes)

Austin, Lola House, 10, 191 (1931), 194 (1931), 195 (notes)

Baby Face Nelson (gangster), 252 (1934)

Backstrand, K. O. (preacher), 10, 301 (1937), 315 (1939 conversion), 316 (1939 mother died), 317 (1939 conversion), 318 (1939 training class), 321 (1940 to college), 322 (notes), 359 (1945 to Montavilla), 360 (1945), 364 (1945), 365 (1945), 367 (1945), 404 (1947), 407 (1947), 409, 418 (1948), 446 (1951 rally), 569-570 (1979)

Backstrand, Marcia (wife of K. O.), 359 (1945), 409 (1947)

Backstrand, Oscar (K. O.'s father), 316 (1939)

Backstrand, Hilda (wife of Oscar), 316 (1939)

Bacus, Harvey (preacher), 509 (1963)

Baird, W. R. (preacher), 106 (1925)

Baker, Marie (wife of Stewart) 321 (1940)

Baker, Stewart (preacher, publisher), 321 (1940), 346 (1944 to S.J.B.C.), 490 (1959 Montavilla), 495-496 (1961), 499 (1961), 538 (1968), 539 (left Montavilla)

Ballard, Fay (elder at Montavilla), 290 (1935)

Ballard, Bob (preacher, college teacher), 449 (1951)

Bankhead, Tallulah (movie star), 454 (1941)

Baptist preacher from Los Angeles convinced, 397 (1946), 398 (1946)

Barber, Burton W. (preacher, co-founder of Midwestern School of Evangelism, author, publisher, debater), 326 (1941), 357 (1945 San Jose, CA), 371 (1945), 378 (1946 met Hunt), 387 (1946), 408 (1947), 421 (1948), 440 (1950), 445 (1951), 448-449 (1951), 450 (1951), 463 (1954), 474(1957), 480 (1958), 487-488 (1959 television), 499 (1951), 570 (1979), 606 (1988)

Barker, Ma and Pa (gangsters), 252 (1934)

Bayley, Effie Bachman (grew up with Archie), 10, 99, 110 (notes), 99 (1925), 191 (1931), 194 (1931), 195 (notes)

Beam, Earnest (judge), 443 (1951), 445 (1951), 463 (1954)

Beam, Frances (convert of Archie), 436 (1949)

Beard, Harvey (preacher), 439 (1950)

Beckham, J. W. (Lieutenant governor), 29

Beckman, Kenneth, (preacher, college teacher), 413 (1948)

Beeks, Vernon (preacher), 344 (1944), 359 (1945 at Gresham)

Beery (preacher), 165 (1930)

Bell, Warren (preacher, college teacher), 305 (1938 lived with the Words), 306 (helped start college), 328 (1941 college), 337 (1943 ordained), 345 (1944), 440 (1950), 441 (1950), 446 (1951), 455 (1952), 456 (1952 helped start college), 461-462 (1953 Duke and 64 Street started), 474 (1957), 480 (1958), 588 (1984), 606 (1988), 621 (Archie's funeral)

Bennet, Raymond S. (preacher), 548 (1970)

Berry, G. K. (preacher), 286 (1910 began Montavilla Church in Portland, Oregon), 287, 316 (1939), 364 (1945)

Bigelow, Dr. Wayne (preacher), 510 (1963)

Bill and John, 212 (1932)

Bixler, Marjorie, 10

Blessing, William L. (healer, prophecy), 329 (1941)

Blind John, 470-471 (1956)

Bliss, P.P. (song writer), 66, 83 (notes)

Boatman, Lutie (Russell's wife), 10

Boatman, Russell (preacher, college president), 10, 19, 228 (1933 Revival), 229 (1933 conversion), 230 (1933), 231 (1933), 243 (notes), 258 (1934), 259 (1934), 270 (notes), 340 (1943 revival), 342 (1944 Revival), 345 (1944 revival), 346 (1944), 348 (notes), 379 (1946 chapel revival), 398 (notes), 457 (1952), 550 (1972), 557 (notes: letter), 585 (1984), 596-599 (1987), 602 (notes), 606 (1988), 621-622 (Archie's funeral)

Bomberger, "Swede" (convert), 72 (baptized), 198 (1931), 200 (1931), 201 (1931)

Bond, Stanley (classmate at Eugene), 197 (1931), 198 (1931)

Bonnie and Clyde (gangsters), 252 (1934)

Book, John Butler (preacher), 548 (1970)

Book, Morris Butler (preacher), 410 (1948), 412 (1948), 422 (1948), 439 (1950)

Boone, Daniel (pioneer), 28

Boren, Mr. (superintendent of Lindsay school), 72

Boswell, Ira M. (preacher), 336 (1943), 393 (1946)

Bouldin, Mrs. Myrtle, 82 (duet with Archie)

Bowen, Everett (Navy buddy), 72

Bowers, Everett, 69

Boyer, Margaret (Nahigian) (singer), 233 (1933)

Brackish, Ted (news editor), 617 (1988)

Briar and the Lilly, 91, 95, 103 (1925), 115 (1925),

Brink, Barbara (Word �married Loren), 9, 262 (1935), 455 (1952 married), 462 (1953 David born), 466 (John born), 531 (picture)

Brink, David (son of Loren and Barbara, preacher, college teacher), 9, 462 (1953), 551 (1972),

555 (1975), 568 (1978 graduation), 578 (1982), 610 (1988)

Brink, Jonathan Lee (Archie's grandson), 466 (1955)

Brink, Loren (married Barbara Word, preacher, author, college teacher), 9, 455 (1952), 458 (1952 student), 462 (1953 Duke Street; David born), 621 (1988)

Brinkman, Miss (teacher), 82

Broad, Kenneth (preacher), 10, 376 (1946), 398 (notes), 417 (1948), 418 (1948), 424 (notes �letter)

Brown, J. Halbert (preacher), 389 (1946)

Brunk, H. W. (preacher), 167 (1930)

Buckles, Harold (preacher), 335 (1943 revival at Montavilla), 360 (1945), 567 (1978), 570 (1979), 575 (1980), 606 (1988)

Bulgeon ("The great union evangelist"), 136 (1927)

Burgess, Esther Elaine (Word �married Tom), 9, 336 (1943 born), 398 (notes: letter), 424 (notes: letter), 469 (1956), 477 (notes: letter), 531 (picture), 539 (1968), 543 (1969), 571 (1979), 625 (1990), 626 (1992)

Burgess, Tom (married Esther Word, preacher, author, college teacher), 9, 304 (1937 Archie's son-in-law), 306 (1938 lived with the Words), 336 (1943, 502 (1962 married Esther Word), 511 (1963), 514 (1964 graduate), 526, 538, 550 (1972 Montavilla), 543 (1969 father died), 565 (1977 Gering, NE -division), 575 (1980), 599 (1987), 619 (1988), 624 (Archie's funeral), 625

Burks, Prof. (college professor), 475 (1957)

Butler, ____ , 15 (one legged man)

Butler, Burris (preacher), 336 (1943), 341 (1943), 393 (1946), 437-438 (1950)

Butterworth, V. E. (preacher), 410 (1948)

Butz, H.S. (church board member), 142 (1927)

Cairns, Robert (preacher), 234 (1933)

Campbell, Alexander (early Restoration Movement preacher, debater, author, college founder), 15, 30, 419 (1948 Memoirs� by Pendleton [Error: written by Richardson])

Campbell, Ken (reporter), 592 (1985)

Campbell, Lloyd (Florence's brother-in-law), 262 (1935)

Campbell, Norval (preacher), 9, 439 (1950)

Campbell, Thomas (early Restoration Movement preacher, father of Alexander), 30

Canary, H. (preacher), 336 (1943), 393 (1946), 394 (1946), 439 (1950)

Carlson, Mary, 10

Carlson, Ron (preacher), 10

Carnera, Primo (fighter), 237 (1933)

Castro (Cuban dictator), 490 (1960)

Chiang Kai-shek (president of Nationalist China), 376 (1946)

Chambers, Bernita (married Burl Shoemake) p.310

Chambers, Bob (preacher), 10, 310 (1939), 311 (1939), 409 (1963)

Chambers, Earl (preacher), 191 (1931), 310 (1939), 322 (notes), 404 (1947), 439 (1950), 449 (1951), 472 (1956), 484 (1958 at Montavilla)

Chambers, Larry (editor), 577 (1982)

Chambers, Shirley (Wilson --married Earl), 189 (1931), 191 (1931)

Chambers, Whittaker (spy), 438 (1950_

Champee, Vera (piano accompanist), 138 (1927)

Chapin, Harry (song leader, preacher), 10, 132 (1926), 163 (1929), 164, 165 (1930), 166, 169 (notes), 199 (1931), 410 (1948)

Chapman (evangelist), 234 (1933)

Childers (preacher, college president), 146, 167 (1930)

Chochran, Ira (preacher), 378 (1946)

Christmas, Joe (cousin), 119 (1925)

Churchill, Winston (British Prime Minister), 376 (1946)

Clark, George Rogers (Indian fighter), 28

Cohan, George M., 44 ("Over There")

Col. Sanders (Fried Chicken fame), 575 (1980)

Cole, ? (pioneer preacher), 146

Cole, "Sister" (preacher's wife), 146, 147

Coleman, Judge David (Los Angeles judge), 422 (1948)

Corey, Stephen J. (author, preacher), 341 (1943)

Crane, Charles (preacher, author, college president), 10, 169 (notes), 450 (1952), 499 (1961), 460 (1976), 566-567 (1977), 572 (1980), 573, 578 (1982), 583 (notes: letter), 584 (notes: letter), 588 (1984), 591 (1984), 593-4 (1985), 596 (1987), 597, 601 (notes: letter), 602 (notes: letter), 604 (1988), 606, 610, 611, 612, 621-622 (Archie's funeral), 626 (notes), 627 (notes)

Crediford, D.R, 167 (1930)

Crist, Terry (preacher), 565 (1977 Gering, NE)

Crocker (elder at Montavilla), 290 (1935)

Crowder, Orvel (preacher), 439 (1950)

Culver, Lafe (preacher, college teacher), 513 (1964), 605 (1988)

Cunningham, J. Frank (preacher), 413 (1948)

Dailey, Charles (preacher, author, college teacher), 10, 448 (1951), 480 (1958), 525-526 (1966), 528 (notes), 451 (notes: letter), 563-564 (1977 Gering, NE -division), 583 (notes: letter), 588-589 (1984), 601 (notes), 606 (1988)

Dailey, Lois (Reyman �wife of Charles Dailey), 310 (1939), 448 (1951)

Daley, Mayor Richard, 536 (1968)

Danielson, Alton (preacher), 10, 445 (1951), 451 (notes: letter)

Deal, Lester (preacher), 446 (1951)

Degroot, A. T. (writer, historian, Dean of Texas Christian University), 460 (1976)

Demming, W. L. (preacher, teacher), 318 (1939)

DeVries, Edwin "Eddie" (preacher, college co-founder, author, founder of Nationwide Roundup) 552 (1973), 562 (1976), 565 (1977)

DeWelt, Charles (Don and Dave's father), 293 (1936), 295 (1936)

DeWelt, Dave (preacher), 293 (1936), 294 (1936), 311 (1939 San Jose, CA), 335 (1943), 446 (1951)

DeWelt, Don (preacher, author, college teacher, publisher), 10, 104 (1925), 252 (1934), 293 (1936), 294 (1936), 295 (1936 conversion), 296, 307 (1938 committed to preach), 308 (1938 Bible College, Long Beach), 311 (1939 San Jose Bible College), 328-329 (1941 Notebook), 335 (1943), 408 (1947), 411 (1948), 417 (1948), 449 (1951 Holy Spirit), 476 (1957), 496 (1961), 501 (1962), 506, (1963) 508, 537 (1968), 544 (1969), 549, 557 (notes: letter), 560 (1976), 569 (1978), 577 (1982 Gering, NE), 583 (notes: letter), 587-588 (1984), 597 (1987), 601 (notes: letter), 603 (1988), 606 (1988), 618, 621-623 (Archie's funeral)

DeWelt, Elsie (Printz) (married Don DeWelt), 10, 104 (1925), 252 (1934), 560 (1976)

DeWelt, Marie (wife of Charles, mother of Don and Dave), 293 (1936), 295 (1936)

Dillinger (Methodist preacher), 226 (1933)

Dillinger, J. A. (Disciples State Secretary), 387 (1946)

Dillinger, John (gangster), 252 (1934)

Downing, Earl F. (preacher), 167 (1930 graduation), 413 (1948)

Dunn, Dr. (revivalist), 137

Edwards, Floyd (preacher), 376 (1946)

Eisenhower, General Dwight D., 435 (1949), 453 (1952), 461 (1953)

Ellett, Lertis (preacher), 228 (1933), 229 (1933), 230 (1933), 231 (1933), 243 (notes), 261 (1935)

Ellis, George H., (preacher), 199 (1931), 201 (1931)

Ellis, Richard M. "Dick" (preacher, college teacher), 10, 474 (1957), 563 (1977), 565-566 (1977), 571 (1979), 583 (notes: letter)

Elmore, Robert (Bob) E. (preacher, writer), 360 (1945), 361 (1945), 362 (1945), 363 (1945), 393 (1946), 403 (1947)

Emerson, Ralph Waldo (preacher), 377 (1946)

Engel, Miriam, 448 (1951)

Engleking, Alpha Carter (convert), 10, 191 (1931), 194 (1931), 195 (notes), 503 (notes: interview), 584 (notes: interview)

Errett, Edwin R. (preacher, writer), 336 (1943)

Estes, Billie Sol (scandal), 508 (1963)

Estes, Patricia (singer), 450 (1951)

Estes, Simon (singer), 450 (1951), 553 (1973)

Fields, Wilber (preacher, author, college teacher), 342 (1944)

Fiksdal, Lee (preacher), 468 (1956), 472 (1956)

Finch, Mitch (Archie's friend), 47, 48, 49, 60, 61, 63 (1919 notes), 70

Finney, Charles G. (revivalist), 375. 321 (1946)

Fisher, Fred (chorus leader), 120 (1925)

Flom, Gary (Preacher), 552 (1973)

Ford, Lester (preacher), 341 (1943)

Fortune, Dr. A. W. (Disciples preacher), 161 (1929)

Foster, Charles A. (writer), 175, 233 (1933), 234 (1933), 235 (1933)

Foster, R. C. (preacher, author), 341 (1943), 393 (1946)

Freedman, Felix (Jew), 448 (1951)

Freeman, Delmar (preacher), 310 (1939)

Freeman, Leona (Wagner) (preacher's wife), 310 (1939)

French, Larry "Lefty," 82 (opposing team player)

Fuller, Charles E. (denominational preacher), 316 (1939)

Gantry, Elmer, 91, 98

Garbage man, 309 (1939)

Genovese, Kitty (crime victim), 511 (1964), 517 (1965)

Getty, J. Paul (Millionaire), 608

Gianini, Esther May (Don DeWelt'a friend), 295 (1936)

Gibbons, James E. (preacher), 548 (1970), 568 (1978)

Goebel, William (politician), 29

Goldwater, Barry (presidential candidate), 514 (1964)

Graham, Billy (Baptist evangelist), 472-473 (1957)

Graydon, Charlotte, (newswoman), 579 (1982)

Green, Jenelle (Word, Montross; Archie's daughter), 9

Guiley, Prof. Ross, 120 (1926), 121, 133 (1926), 142 (1927), 180, 505 (1963 name misspelled)

Guiley, Rose (name misspelled --should be, "Ross") 505

Hackett, Dwight, (preacher), 119 (1925), 207 (1931), 208 (1931), 210 (1932) Hale, J. Willis (preacher), 10, 103 (1926), 115 (1925), 124 (1926), 338 (1943), 364 (1945 presents service flag), 414 (1948), 433 (1949), 434 (1949), 451 (notes: letter), 483 (1958), 533 (1990)

Hall, C. Vincent (Jamaican preacher), 405 (1947)

Hall, Elizabeth (soloist), 317 (1939)

Hardenbrook, Orin (preacher), 397 (1946)

Hargis, Billy James (preacher, crusader), 378 (1946)

Harriman, Arthur A. (preacher), 249 (1934)

Harrison, Willis (college professor), 342 (1943)

Hawk, Mortimer A. (preacher), 255 (1934), 256 (1934)

Hay, Garland (revivalist), 137 (1927), 150-153 (1928), 156 (1928), 167 (1930 graduation), 180, 236 (1933), 277 (1935 Note: book date incorrect)

Hayden, Edwin V. (preacher, writer, editor), 417 (1948)

Hayter, Eugene (church board member), 142 (1927)

Hayworth, Rita (movie star), 454 (1952)

Hearst, William Randolph (newspaper publisher), 472 (1956)

Heese, Don (preacher), 563 (1977 Gering, NE -division)

Henderson, LeRoy C. (poet), 46 (notes)

Hendrix, Jimi (singer), 545 (1970)

Henry, Patrick (patriot), 11

Hepburn, A. R. A. (Jamaican preacher), 406 (1947), 428 (1949), 509 (1963)

Herbert, Evarista (French Acadian preacher), 442 (1950)

Hill, Harold (missionary), 509 (1963), 521 (1966)

Hintz, Fred (preacher, missionary), 509 (1963)

Hirohito (Emperor of Japan), 375 (1946)

Hiss, Alger (Russian spy), 438 (1950)

Hitler, Adolf (German dictator), 224 (1933), 256 (1934), 307 (1938), 357 (1945 suicide), 375

Ho Chi Minh (North Vietnam dictator), 375 (1946), 466 (1955)

Hoffman, Judge Julius (Chicago judge), 546 (1970)

Hogan (revivalist), 234 (1933)

Hohgatt, Proff. Cyrus Hershell, (music teacher at Eugene Bible University), 108 (1925), 112 (1925), 113 (1925), 120 (1925)

Hollingsworth, Miss (teacher), 40

Hopkins, Bob (preacher), 362 (1945)

Hossom, Harold (preacher), 439 (1950)

Hoven, Ard (Archie's E.B.U.classmate, preacher), 167 (1930 graduation), 258 (1934), 341 (1943), 479 (1958)

Hoven, Prof. Victor E. "Daddy" (professor at Eugene Bible University), 105 (1925 church chart), 136 (1927), 141 (1927), 159, 167 (1930), 192 (1931), 207 (1931), 241 (1933)

Hoven, Rowena (daughter of Prof. V.E. Hoven ), 105 (1925)

Hughes, Floyd (preacher), 410 (1948), 446 (1951)

Hulme, Charles (preacher), 221 (1932), 222 (1932)

Hunt, Donald G. Sr. (preacher, co-founder of Midwestern School of Evangelism, author, publisher), 109 (notes), 111, 150 (1928), 326 (1941), 337 (1943), 371 (1945), 373 (notes), 376 (1946 Word-Hunt begins), 377 (1946), 378, 387 (1946), 388 (1946 hears about Margaret), 394 (1946), 395 (1946), 398 (notes), 408 (1947), 409, 420 (1948 marriage to Margaret Word), 430 (1949 Troutdale Gathering, OR), 432 (1949), 433 (1949 Rally), 440 (1950 Troutdale, OR), 445 (1951), 451 (notes: interview; notes), 457 (1952), 467 (1955), 474 (1957 8th), 480 (1958), 516 (1965), 538 (1968), 563 (1977 Gering, NE division), 565 (Gering, NE), 610 (1988 anniversary), 612, 613, 621 (Archie's funeral)

Hunt, Donald Gerald II. (son of Donald G. Hunt Sr.), 9, 62 (notes), 63 (notes), 83 (notes), 109 (notes), 110 (notes), 168 (notes), 242, 270 (notes), 298 (notes), 299 (notes), 348 (notes), 424 (notes), 439-440 (1950 born), 451 (notes: interview), 477 (notes interview), 593 (1985), 606 (1988), 611 (Interview), 613, 615, 619, 626 (notes: interview), 627 (notes: interview)

Hunt, Gail (brother of Donald Sr.), 376 (1946)

Hunt, Kenneth (brother of Donald Sr.), 376 (1946), 377 (1946)

Hunt, Margaret (Word �married to Donald Sr.), 9, 46 (notes), 63 (notes), 298 (notes), 348 (notes), 439 (1950 Son, Don born), 610 (1988), 613, 615

Hunt, Ronald James (son of Donald Sr.), 450 (1951), 575 (1980)

Hurley, Sam (preacher), 439 (1950)

Hutchins, Howard Fay "Ted" (Archie's E.B.U. classmate), 106 (1925), 107 (1925), 108 (1925), 116 (1925), 124 (1926), 167 (1930 graduation), 289 (1935 revival), 341 (1943), 412 (1948), 474 (1957)

Ingraham, Rusty (preacher), 333 (1942), 410 (1948)

Jackson, Esther (Nahigian) (singer), 10, 233 (1933), 259 (1934), 336 (1943), 243 (notes), 270 (notes) James, Elmer, 320 (1940 Weight Lifter), 321 (1940), 344 (1944), 365 (1945 to San Jose, CA)

James, Lillian (wife of Elmer), 321 (1940)

Janis, June, 293 (1936), 294 (1936 took Don DeWelt to church)

Jessup, "Carrie" (wife of Bill), 541 (1969), 569 (1979)

Jessup, Don (preacher, married to Ruth), 303 (1937), 304 (1937 converted; went to college), 311 (1939 San Jose Bible College), 428 (1949), 469 (1956)

Jessup, Graydon (preacher), 306 (1938 Don's son, lived with Words), 514 (1964 graduate)

Jessup, Ruth (wife of Don), 469 (1956)

Jessup, William Lee "Bill" (preacher, college president), 10, 106 (1925), 107 (1925), 110 (notes), 113 (1925), 116 (1925), 124 (1926), 135 (1926), 139 (1927)167 (1930 graduation), 202 (1931), 251 (1934 Lindsay revival), 258 (1934 Ceres, home church), 269 (notes), 303 (1937 revival at Montavilla), 311-312 (1939 President of San Jose Bible College), 322 (notes), 344 (1943), 346 (1944), 410 (1948), 411 (1948), 424 (notes: letter), 427 (1949), 443 (1951 Beam- Jessup cartoon), 445 (1951), 449 (1951), 450 (letter), 451 (notes: letter), 463 (1954), 479 (1958), 509 (1963 Roy Shaw's funeral), 541 (1969), 557 (notes: letter), 569 (1979), 606 (1988)

Johnson, Dan (radio KCNI personality), 617 (1988)

Johnson, Lyndon, (U.S. President), 514 (1964), 517 (1965), 535 (1968)

Jonas, Larry (preacher), 499 (1961)

Joplin, Janis (singer), 545 (1970)

Jorgenson, George (sex changed), 454 (1952)

Kaiser Bill (German Chancellor), 57, 59, 314 (1939)

Kellems, Homer (brother of Jesse Kellums), 204 (1931)

Kellems, Jesse (preacher), 112 (1925), 204 (1931) union meeting), 205 (1931)

Kellems, Louisa A. (Jesse's mother), 102 (1925), 112 (1925)

Kennedy, Jim (preacher), 544 (1969)

Kennedy, John F "JFK" (U.S. President), 491-494 (1960), 510-511 (1963 shot)

Kennedy, Robert F. (brother of JFK), 536 (1968 shot)

Kenney, Charles Isaac (preacher), 258 (1934), 259 (1934), 260 (1934)

Kenny, Thomas "Tom" (Archie's maternal grandfather), 30, 31, 612 (1988)

Ketcherside, W. Carl (non-instrumental preacher), 510 (1963)

Khrushchev, Nikita (Premier, Soviet Union), 460 (1956), 490 (1960), 500 (1962)

King, Martin Luther (preacher, black civil rights leader), 511 (1963 "Dream"), 535 (1968 shot)

Kiss, Dr. (preacher), 410 (1947)

Knight, Bert (father of Elston), 286 (1935)

Knight, Elston E. (preacher), 296 (1936), 303 (1937), 309 (1939), 310 (13 preachers sent out), 358 (1945), 364 (1945), 368 (1945 at Eastside church), 438 (1950)

Knoles, Dr. Tully, (preacher, college president), 83

Knott, Harold E. (E.B.U. professor), 104 (1925 professor), 105 (1925 killed), 117 (1925 Africa), 131 (1926), 141 (1927), 159 (1928)

Knott, Violet (wife of Harold), 105 (1925 killed), 131 (1926)

Knowles, Dale V. (preacher), 10, 336 (1943), 417 (1948), 439 (1950), 619 (1988)

Knowles, Emily (Victor Knowles' daughter), 14

Knowles, Evelyn (Victor Knowles' wife), 10, 14, 16

Knowles, Mindy (Victor Knowles' daughter), 10, 16, 547 (1970)

Knowles, Portia (Victor Knowles' daughter), 14

Knowles, Victor (preacher, author), 16, 24, 439 (1950), 476 (1984 editor of "One Body"), 526 (1967), 532 (picture), 545 (1970), 606 (1988), 618 (1988), 619, 625 (1990)

Kohler, Vincent (writer), 570 (1997)

Kunstler, William (lawyer), 546 (1970)

Ladd, James Earl Sr. (preacher), 233 (1933), 413 (1948)

Lankford, Carol (preacher), 495 (1960), 538-539 (1968-1969), 544 (1969)

Lappin, S. S. (preacher), 215 (1932), 312 (1939 defended military service), 336 (1943), 341 (1943), 346 (1944)

LaSalle, Tony (preacher), 470 (1956)

Leavens, Paul, 10

Leavens, Willard (church leader), 361 (1944)

Leavitt, Teddy (preacher, revivalist), 111, 117 (1925), 156 (1928), 180 (1925), 223 (1932)

Legg, Homer (Stram convert), 288 (1935), 296 (1936)

Lemmon, Vivian Mae (daughter of W. S. Lemmon.), 105 (1925), 106 (1925), 167 (1930

graduation), 281 (1935)

Lemmon, William Sherman (preacher), 22, 97 (1925), 98, 99 (1925), 105 (1925), 106 (1925), 280 (1936 got Archie to go to college), 338 (1943), 445 (1951)

Leslie, "Spike" (basketball coach), 108

Levitt, Teddy (preacher), 111 (spelling incorrect --see Leavitt)

Lewis, Sinclair (author), 91

Lily, 91, 129 (1926 marriage)

Lindberg, Charles (aviator), 213 (1932 baby kidnapped), 288 (1935 moved to England)

Lipscomb, David (anti-instrumental preacher, author), 32

Locy, Clinton (Bible teacher), 413 (1949)

Long, Senator Huey Pierce, 278 (1935)

Louis, Joe (boxing champion), 307 (1938 The "brown bomber"), 430 (1949)

MacArthur, General Douglas, 443 (1951)

Mankamyer, Orlin L. (preacher), 314 (1939 Montavilla), 315 (1939 writer), 357 (1945), 382 (1946 to Montavilla), 409 (1947), 449 (1951), 548 (1970)

Mao Tse-tung (premier of China), 375 (1946)

Marshall, Dale (missionary), 522 (1966 Rhodesia)

Martin, Evelyn, 245 (1934), 569 (1979)

Martin, Hal (missionary), 245 (1934), 246 (1934), 248 (1934 brother converted), 449 (1951), 569 (1979)

Martin, Russ (preacher), 393 (1946), 475 (1957)

Mathes, James H., 36 (1909)

McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 439 (1950)

McCay, Rev. N. C. (school benediction), 83

McCown, A. G. (preacher, writer), 468 (1956)

McEathorn, Elmer, (preacher) 392 (1946)

McGarvey J. W. (preacher, author), 109 (1925), 258 (1934)

McKee, Marion (preacher), 433 (1949), 441 (1950), 448 (1951), 513 (1964), 606 (1988)

McKensie, Mr., 156 (1928)

McKinley, William (U.S. President), 29

McMillan, Allen (preacher), 310 (1939)

McMillan, Lloyd (preacher), 310 (1939)

McMillan, Merwyn (preacher), 310 (1939)

McMillan, Ronald (preacher), 310 (1939)

McMorrow, James (preacher, co-founder of Midwestern School of Evangelism, author), 326 (1941), 357 (1945 San Jose, CA), 371 (1945), 377 (1946 pitcher for St. Louis Cardinals), 378 (1946 met Barber), 387 (1946), 408 (1947)

McPherson, Amy "Simple" (revivalist and Four Square Church founder), 184 (1930), 234 (1933)

McReynolds, A. B. (preacher), 215 (1932), 216 (cigar smoking)

McSpadden, Ed (preacher), 10, 195 (notes)

Meredith, Willis H. (preacher), 394 (1946), 415 (1948)

Merold, Ben (preacher), 514 (1964)

Mick, Earl (preacher), 132 (1926), 254 (1934)

Mick, Lewis (preacher), 217 (1932), 251 (1934), 449 (1951), 569 (1979)

Mick, Minnie (married Woodrow Phillips) , 252 (1934 married ), 269 (notes), 312 (1939), 569 (1979), 600

Mickey, Eunice, 10

Mills, B. Fay (preacher), 234 (1933)

Mitchell, Eugene (elder), 470 (1956)

Monroe, Marilyn (movie actress), 454 (1952)

Montross, Earl (married to Jenelle Word), 498 (1961)

Montross, Michelle (Archie's grandaughter, 561 (1976)

Moodie, Tom (Jamaican preacher), 405 (1947), 406 (1947)

Moody, Dwight. L. (revivalist), 23, 27, 234 (1933), 237 (1933)

Moore, Jack (preacher), 378 (1946 converted Baptist preacher)

Morey, A. W. (preacher), 439 (1950)

Morgan, Orval (preacher), 336 (1943), 341 (1943), 346 (1944), 414 (1948)

Morrison (elder at Montavilla), 290 (1935)

Mother Jesse (Archie's surrogate mother), 134 (1926), 146 (1927)

Mouton, Betty (preacher's wife), 514-515 (1964)

Mouton, Boyce (preacher), 514 (1964)

Murch, James DeForest (author), 158 (1927), 159, 361 (1945), 393 (1946), 444 (1951)

Mussolini (Italian dictator), 357 (1945), 375 (1946)

Myers, Walter Lee, (on faculty at Eugene Bible University), 102 (1925)

Nahigian sisters (singers), (see Margaret Boyer, and Esther Jackson), 232-233 (1934), 249 (1934), 259 (1934 Ceres), 265 (1935), 266 (1935), 267 (1935), 283 (at Englewood), 289 (1935 Montavilla), 294 (1936), 336 (1943)

Nations, Heber (preacher), 415 (1948)

Newland, Vernon (preacher), 489 (1959)

Nicolle, J. J., 142 (1927)

Nightingale, L. C. (room mate from Wheatland, California), 106 (1925)

Nixon, Richard (U.S. President), 494 (1960), 550 (1972)

Norris, Vernon (preacher), 310 (1939)

Oberholtzer, Roy (pianist), 211 (1932)

Oberst, Dr. Bruce Oberst (preacher, author, college teacher), 460-461 (1953), 462 (1953), 606 (1988)

Ogan, Bob, 439 (1950)

Olson, ? ~ (sang in the WACO quartet) , 132

Olson, David Eugene (founder of Eugene Bible University), 215-216 (1932)

Olson, Hugh M. (preacher), 10, 380 (1946 student), 398 (notes), 434-437 (1949-50), 451 (notes: letter), 508 (1963 Montavilla)

Olson, Judge (Portland judge), 327 (1941)

Onassis, Aristotle (ship-building magnate), 608 (1988)

Otis (soldier), 358 (1945 letter)

Owens, Jesse (won four gold medals at Olympic Games), 296 (1936)

Parks, Calvin (preacher), 472 (1956)

Parrish, Elery, (preacher), 10, 167 (1930 graduation), 222 (1932), 223 (1932), 242 (notes), 290 (1935), 292 (1936), 296 (revival at Montavilla), 297(defended Word), 299 (notes), 318 (1939 training class), 412 (1948), 413 (1948), 429 (1949), 575 (1980)

Patterson, Elmer (faculty member at E.B.U.), 102 (1925)

Paul, Nellie (Peterson) (preacher's wife), 310 (1939)

Paul, William E. "Bill" (preacher, author, college co-founder, publisher), 10, 486 , 503 (notes), 549 (1972), 556 (1975), 558 (notes: letter), 610 (1988), 584 (notes), 626 (notes: letter)

Payne Sisters (musicians), 414 (1948)

Payne, William "Bill" (preacher), 458 (1952: 1952)

Peale, Norman Vincent (preacher, author), 491 (1960)

Pendleton, (author wrote "Memoirs of Alexander Campbell" [error: written by Richardson]) 419 (1948)

Penn, William (founder of Pennsylvania), 15

Perry, Woodrow (college president), 439 (1950)

Peters, Pete (Anglo-Israel preacher, author), 562-564 (1976-1977 division)

Petersen, Orval D. (pastor), 136 (1927), 160 (1929)

Peterson, Nellie (see Paul)

Phillips, Amy (Clifton's wife), 183 (1930 ordained minister), 239 (1933)

Phillips, Clifton (preacher), 183 (1930), 184 (1930), 185 (1930), 205 (1931 at Marshfield), 239 (1933)

Phillips, Minnie (Mick) (Woody's 2nd wife after death of his first), 10, 312 (1939)

Phillips, Woodrow "Woody" (preacher, college president), 10, 183 (1930), 195 (notes), 252 (1934 married Minnie Mick), 312 (1939), 322 (notes), 410 (1947), 412 (1948), 414 (1948), 427 (1949), 544 (1969), 450 (notes: interview), 588 (1984)

Picklesimer, Frances (piano accompanist), 122 (1926), 123 (1926 pianist)

Pinon, Don (married to Gerry) (preacher, college founder), 10, 539 (1969), 544 (1969), 545, 557 (notes: letter), 562 (1976 division), 563 (1977 disfellowshipped), 568 (1978), 571 (1979), 606 (1988), 613, 614, 617, 620

Pinon, Donetta (Don Pinon's daughter), 612 (1988)

Pinon, Gerry (Don Pinon's wife), 10

Pittman, (elder at Montavilla), 290 (1935)

Pointer, James (revivalist), 133 (1926), 134 (1934), 180

Poling, Daniel F. (writer, editor), 491 (1960)

Poll, Harry (preacher), 341 (1943)

Prater, Malburt (preacher), 336 (1943), 363 (1945), 441 (1951), 442, 519 (1965), 606 (1988)

Pretty Boy Floyd (gangster), 252 (1934)

Printz, Elsie (1934 married Don DeWelt), 252, 270 (notes)

Procter, Edna, (Florence Word's sister), 41

Procter, Elmer (Florence Word's father), 41, 42, 43, 75, 76, 83, 262 (1935 died)

Procter, Evelyn, (Florence Word's sister), 41, 47, 541 (1969), 543 (1969 died)

Procter, Florence (see Word, Florence), 62 (notes), 63 (notes), 65, 83 (notes), 84 (notes), 110 (notes), 124 (notes), 125 (notes), 129

Procter, Ida (Florence Word's mother), 41, 76, 129 (1926)

Procter, Mary (Florence Word's sister), 41

Procter, Monroe, (Florence Word's brother), 47, 48, 57

Procter, Otto, (Florence Word's brother), 47, 48, 57

Procter, Ruth, (Florence Word's sister), 41

Pruett, Prof. Veltie (E.B.U. professor), 120 (1925)

Quant, Mary (fashion designer), 524 (1966 mini-skirt)

Railsback, Charles (missionary), 333 (1942)

Ramme, Verna, (secretary at the church at Streator, CA), 417 (1948), 424 (notes: letter)

Ramme, Vernon, 10

Randall, Max Ward (preacher, missionary), 439 (1950)

Reyman, Harold (preacher), 310 (1939)

Rhea, Harold (preacher), 619 (1988)

Reagan, Ronald, (U.S. President), 573 (1981)

Reed, May, 9

Revelle, Newton (revivalist), 234 (1933)

Reyman, Harold (preacher), 427 (1949), 440 (1950), 471 (1956)

Reyman, Lois (See Dailey)

Reyman, Rodney (preacher), 10, 310 (1939), 311 (1939), 449 (1951), 465 (1954), 469 (1956), 477 (notes: letter), 541 (1969), 568 (1978 heart attack), 583 (notes: letter), 606 (1988)

Rhee, M. Sue, 9

Richardson, O. E. (preacher), 392 (1946)

Ridenour, Caroll (revivalist), 282 (1935)

Roberts, Carroll (preacher), 287 (1935)

Rockefeller, John D. (financier), 608 (1988)

Rodda, Anna Jean (Word) (preacher's wife, Archie's daughter, married to Don June 26, 1954), 9, 336 (1943 baptized), 348 (notes), 386, 398 (notes), 531 (picture)

Rodda, Donald Thomas Jr., 466 (1955 died 2 days after birth)

Rodda, Stan, 9, 610 (1988)

Rodeheaver, Homer (music author and leader), 113 (1925)

Rogers, Stewart L. (preacher), 437 (1950)

Rogers, Will (humorist), 468 (1955)

Roosevelt, Franklin D. (U.S. President), 278 (1935 letter), 279 (1935), 298 (notes), 301 (1937), 319 (1940), 347 (1944), 357 (1945 died)

Roosevelt, Teddy (U.S. President), 29

Root, Clayton C. (preacher), 229 (1933)

Rosenbergs (spies), 443 (1951 found guilty)

Rubin, Jerry (political activist), 536 (1968)

Sanderson, E. C. (president of Eugene Bible University), 99 (1925), 100 (1925), 101 (1925), 102 (1925), 311 (1943)

Sankey, Ira (Revivalist), 114 (1925), 234 (1933)

Schaefer, Harry (missionary), 333 (1942)

Schnelle, C. Willis (preacher, college president), 437 (1950)

Schutt, Lucile (chalk artist), 165-166 (1930)

Scoville, Dr. Charles Reign, 215 (1932), 216

Selinsky, Debbie (newspaper reporter), 574 (1980)

Sharkey, Jack (boxer), 237 (1933)

Shaw, Clifford (preacher), 10, 627 (notes)

Shaw, Dorothy (wife of Roy), 10, 106 (1925), 110 (notes), 135 (1927), 187 (1931), 195 (notes), 304 (1937), 311 (1939), 322 (notes), 426 (1949), 450 (notes: letter), 509 (1963), 569 (1979)

Shaw, Dr. Wayne (preacher, college professor), 625

Shaw, George (Roy's older brother), 106 (1925)

Shaw, Roy Bernard, (married to Dorothy) (Irishman preacher buddy of Archie, college teacher), 106 (1925), 114 (1925), 116 (1925), 118 (1925), 120 (1925 sang with Word), 123 (1926), 124 (1926 weeping about sin), 132 (1926), 133 (1926), 135 (1927), 137 (1927), 145 (1927), 154 (1928), 155 (1928), 167 (1930 graduation), 187 (1931), 191 (1931), 191 (1931), 193 (1931), 194 (1931), 204 (1931), 205 (1931), 210 (1932), 211 (1932), 213 (1932), 218 (notes), 258 (1934), 261 (1935), 303 (1937), 311 (1939 teacher at San Jose Bible College), 321 (1940), 341 (1943), 411 (1948), 426 (1949), 449 (1951), 457 (1952), 509 (1963 died)

Shelley, J. Michael (preacher), 107 (1925), 132 (1926), 167 (1930 graduation), 215 (1933)

Shelly, Dr. (revivalist), 138 (1927)

Shepherd, J. W. (author), 32

Shoemake, Bernita (Chambers) (Burl's wife) , 310 (1939)

Shoemake, Bill (Burl's dad), 609 (1988)

Shoemake, Burl (preacher), 609 (1988)

Shorty (dance band leader converted), 185 (1930), 186 (1930), 187 (1931)

Shropshire, H. C. (Eugene, OR.), 100 (1925), 110 (notes)

Sias, C. Adrian (preacher), 232 (1933), 256 (1934), 257 (1934)

Siefke, William (minister), 163 (1929)

Siler, Patsy (young person), 365 (1945 killed)

Small ? (preacher), 139

Smith, Franklin (missionary), 333 (1942)

Smith, Fred (preacher), 341 (1943)

Smith, Gipsy (revivalist), 23, 27, 234 (1933), 237 (1933)

Smith, Jerry (preacher), 619 (1988)

Smith, Larry (preacher), 581 (1983)

Smith, Milo J. (State Secretary), 444 (1951)

Smith, Mrs. G. H. (landlady), 118 (1925)

Snodgrass (writer), 249 (1934)

Snyder, A. B. (school principal), 82

Son, Irwin (preacher), 389 (1946)

Speck, Joseph R. (Lindsay preacher), 130, 139 (1927 performed Archie's and Florence's marriage.)

Spellman, Scott (newspaper boy), 524 (1966)

Spock, Dr. (child specialist), 395 (1946)

Spring, Mr. (family lived with Words), 285 (1935)

Stalin, Joseph (Soviet Union Dictator), 461 (1953)

Standish, Mrs. F. M., 490 (1960)

Stevenson, Adlai (Senator, presidential candidate), 453 (1952)

Stewart, Chester (preacher), 446 (1951)

Still, Owen Sr. (missionary), 333 (1942 missionary), 439 (1950)

Stivers, Prof. E. V. (preacher), 12, 117 (1925), 135 (1926)

Stone, Barton W. (early Restoration Movement preacher), 15, 30

Stone, Sam (preacher, editor), 10

Stonecypher, Virgil (elder), 514 (1964 graduate)

Stram, Don, (son of Walter), 10, 243 (notes), 322 (notes), 412 (1948), 424 (notes: letter), 474 (1957), 477 (notes: letter)

Stram, Thelma (preacher's wife, 236 (1933), 288 (1935)

Stram, Walter (preacher), 27, 46 (notes), 152 (1928), 180, 236 (1933), 238 (1933), 279 (1935), 288 (1935), 307 (1938), 316 (1939), 346 (1944), 412 (1948), 474 (1957)

Strater, Floyd (preacher), 415 (1948)

Strome, Mrs. C., 142 (1927)

Strong, F. W. (founded Ozark Bible College), 306 (1938 revival), 307 (1938), 378 (1946), 439 (1950)

Strubhar, Gary (preacher, author, college teacher), 514 (1964 graduate)

Sullivan, Jack, 36

Sunday, Billy (revivalist), 113 (1925), 120 (1926), 181, 182, 220 (1932), 321 (1946), 467 (1955)

Sundquist, Buddy (preacher), 333 (1942)

Swan, George Jr. (preacher), 377 (1946)

Sweeden family (Archie's converts), 388 (1946)

Sweeney, William E. (preacher), 336 (1943), 414 (1948)

Sweeney, Z. T. (preacher, author), 15, 318 (1940 article in Standard)

Taubman, George (preacher), 344 (1943)

Taylor, Lloyd (preacher), 439 (1950)

Taylor, William S. (politician), 29

Tester, Noble (preacher), 389 (1946)

Thomas, Berle (preacher), 346 (1944 associate to Archie), 347 (1944 "Singing Irishman"), 359 (1945)

Thompson, Bobby (baseball player), 443 (1951)

Thompson, Mr. (school principal), 454 (1952)

Thompson, Will L. (songwriter: There's a Great Day Coming), 626 (notes)

Thurman, Thomas, 10

Todd, Cecil (preacher), 510 (1963), 544 (1969), 546

Todd, Evan (schoolmate), 82

Tolin, E. R. (preacher), 439 (1950)

Tomlinson, L. G (preacher, author), 439 (1950)

Tottingham, Wesley (preacher), 232 (1933)

Traxler, Melvin (preacher), 346 (1944), 430 (1949), 433 (1949), 439 (1950), 446 (1951), 460 1953), 47 (preacher) 4 (1957), 570 (1970), 567 (1978)

Trinkle, O. A. (preacher), 336 (1943)

Trotsky, Leon (Jewish Communist leader), 321 (1940 assassinated)

Truman, Harry (U.S. President), 443 (1951)

Tucker, Richard "Dick" (preacher), 543 (1969)

Turner, Lee (preacher, missionary, college co-founder, author), 10, 359 (1945 ordained), 407 (1947), 408 (1947), 440 (1950), 441 (1950), 455 (1952), 456 (1952 college started), 481-483 (1958), 487-488 (1959 television), 502 (notes: letter), 588 (1984), 621 (Archie's funeral)

Tyree, L. H. (preacher), 619 (1988)

Tyrell, Leland (preacher, college president, 417 (1948)

Ukena, Saundra, 10

Van Buren, James (preacher), 437 (1950)

Van Dyne, Charles, (on faculty at E.B.U.), 102 (1925)

Van Winkle (preacher), 136 (1927)

VanDerPool, M., 124 (1926 Flowers)

Varriscale, Bessie (actress), 55

Wagner, Leona (see Freeman)

Wagner, Robert (preacher), 310 (1939)

Walker, W. R. (preacher, writer, college professor), 336 (1943), 341 (1943), 342 (1943)

Watkins, Hal (preacher), 383 (1946), 384 (1946), 458 (1952)

Watkins, Vernon C. (preacher), 447

Webb, Jack (neighbor), 74

Weideman, Mrs. William (Montavilla member), 441 (1950 flag)

Weideman, Ray (preacher), 446 (1951)

Weideman, Will (Montavilla member), 302

Weller, Frank & Mrs. (parents of Jerry), 385 (1946)

Weller, Jerry (preacher, college teacher), 385 (1946)

Wells, H. G. (author), 308 (1938)

Wells, Judy (married Archie Word Jr.), 495 (1960)

Wells, Myron (preacher), 581 (1983)

Welshimer, P. H. (preacher, author), 337 (1943), 341 (1943), 342 (1943), 344, 367 (1945), 414 (1948), 486 (1958), 513

Werner, Edward "Eddie" (preacher), 10, 539 (1970-1972 Montavilla), 544, 619 (1988)

Wesley, John (early Methodist founder), 502 (1962)

Whisler, Ed (preacher), 202 (1931), 224 (1933), 225 (1932), 227 (1933), 228 (1933), 242 (1933)

Whisler, Mary (Ed's wife), 224 (1933)

White, Willie W. (preacher), 413 (1948)

Williams, Fred (Archie's alias), 49, 50, 51

Williamson, Dale (preacher), 410 (1948), 411 (1948)

Williamson, Nathan (preacher), 389 (1946)

Wilson, Woodrow (U.S. President), 59

Winder, Francis J. (preacher, writer), 167 (1930 graduation), 241 (1933), 243 (notes), 282 (1935), 288 (1935 changes at Montavilla), 296, 318 (1939 training class), 446 (1951)

Wininger, Charles (spelling~ ?), 13, 14

Winiger, Charles (spelling~?), 10

Winiger, Novella (spelling~?), 10

Wise, Rabbi Stephen, 250 (1934)

Witty, Claud F. (preacher), 393 (1946 non-instrumental)

Wolfe, Leslie (missionary), 158 (1926), 405 (1947)

Wood, Dr. John (Archie's doctor), 611

Word, (Archie's grandfather), 30, 74, 92, 101, 454 (1952)

Word, "Maggie" (Kenny) (Archie's mother, married to Luther), 28, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 50, 56, 75, 83, (Her father, 94), 95, 124 (1926), 187 (1931), 191 (1931), 194 (1931), 212 (1932), 262 (1935), 509, 514, 515-516 (1965 death)

Word, Anna Jean (Archie's daughter, married Don Rodda, June 26, 1954), 262 (1935), 265 (1935), 284 (1935), 285 (1935), 305 (1938), 332 (1941), 386 (1946)

Word, Archie James Jr. (Archie's son), 9, 321 (1940 born), 393 (1946), 454 (1952 baptized), 455 (1952), 468-469 (1956), 477 (notes: letter), 491 (1959), 495 (1960 married Judy Wells), 531 (picture). 465 (1977 Gering, NE), 620 (1988), 621 (Archie Senior's funeral)

Word, Archie James Sr. (preacher, revivalist, author, college co-founder, publisher), 13, 16, 28

(1901 born), 32-33

(1906 Lindsay, CA), 41-42 (boy meets girl), 47

(1918 runaway), 52 (boot camp), (boxing), 66 (bugler), 69 (flue), 72 (Navy discharge), 73 (letter), 74 (home), 95 (fighting), 96 (Standard Oil),

1925: 117 (singing), 119, 120 (sang at Corvallis Children's Home, OR; Crabtree, OR; Santa Clara, OR; Perrydale; McCoy, OR; Junction City, OR; Creswell, OR; Beaverton, OR; Springfield, OR; Scio, OR)

1926: 129 (married July 7), 132 (Crabtree, OR; Junction City, OR; Hebron, OR; Union, OR; Santa Clara, OR; Alvadore, OR; Franklin, OR; Halsey, OR; Corvallis, OR), 133-134 (sang for Pointer at Santa Clara revival), 135 Springfield, OR,

1927: 136 (Eugene; Dallas, OR), 137 (Coburg, OR), 138 (Creswell, OR; Harrisburg, OR; Independence, OR; Loraine, OR; Pioneer; Franklin, OR; Springfield, OR; Fall City, OR; Junction City, OR), 141-142 (ordained), 145-149 (first ministry �Crabtree, OR; Margaret born),

1928: 149-168 (Toledo, OR church started),

1929: 160 (Barbara born), 161 (Seattle convention), 163 (Marcola),

1930: 165 (Newport, OR), 166-167 (graduation; Toledo, OR), 177 (revival road begins), 183

1931: 187-194 (Lindsay, CA), 194, 197 (Coachella), 198, 201 (Yoncalla), 202 (Carlton), 204 (Marshfield, OR), 207 (Lakeport),

1932: 210 (Lindsay, CA), 211 (1932 Pinehurst Camp), 212 (Jenelle born), 214 (Corona), 215 (Pomona, CA), 219 (Elsinore), 221 (Bakersfield, CA), 222 (Newberg, OR),

1933: 224 (Dufur), 228 (San Bernadino, CA), 232 (Fowler �Nahigian sisters), 236 (Montavilla), 239 (Ontario), 240 (shot at), 241 (Mill City, OR),

1934: 245 (Shorb Ave, Los Angeles), 247 (tackles thief), 249 (San Luis Obispo, CA), 251 (Visalia; Pomona, CA), 255 (1935 Flagstaff), 256 (Sanger, CA), 258 (Ceres),

1935: 261 (San Bernadino, CA; Lindsay, CA), 262 (Anna Jean born; new car), 263 (tire found), 265 (Fowler), 266 (Oakland), 277 (Toledo, OR -Note: book date in error), 282 (Englewood at Portland, OR), 284 (Montavilla),

1936: 293-297 (DeWelt family),

1937: 303 (Don Jessup), 305 (Warren Bell),

1938: 306 (F. W. Strong), 308 (Coos Bay, OR)

1939: 309 (Albany; Brookings), 311 (San Jose Bible College begins), 312 (war opposition), 314 (Mankamyer), 315 (K. O. Backstrand),

1940: 318 (tobacco), (Archie Jr. born),

1941: 328 (notebook), 329 (Blessing challenged), 331 (War),

1942: 334-335 (The Good News), 335 (Wilkinson; Sedro Wooley),

1943: 335 (Buckles meeting), 336 (Cincinnati, Oh Conference), 336 (Esther born),

1944: 342 (Wichita), 343 (The Church Speaks), 344 (Gresham, OR church begins), 345 (Boatman revival),

1945: 355 (San Jose, CA, Conference on Evangelism), 357 (Mankamyer's revival; War ends), 355 (K.O. Backstrand associate), 359 (Ukiah, CA; Marin City), 360 (Rialto; Los Angeles; H. Buckles revival; Elmore dispute), 363 (Washington, IN), 364 (most in Christian service), 367 (symposium),

1946: 376 (San Jose, CA, Conference on Evangelism), 378 (Jack Moore revival), 379

(Minnesota Bible College), 383 (Anchorage), 387 (Centerville, Iowa), 389 (Cincinnati Rally, IA), 392 (Keota, IA; Inavale, NE), 393 (Cincinnati Bible Seminary), 395 (Portland, OR)

1947: 404 (Bayard, Neb.), 405 (British West Indies), 407 ("Montavilla Plan"; Leo Yoder), 408 (Ottumwa, Iowa); 409 (Cincinnati, Iowa)

1948: 410-412 (San Jose, CA; "Jap Balloon"), 413 (Gering, NE), 414 (Bayard, Nebraska Rally; Turlock, CA; Springfield, Ill, N. American Christian Convention), 417 (Streator, Ill.); 418 (Rockford; Port Jefferson; Portland; Lee Turner revival), 419 ("Gospel Train;" James Alley revival), 420 (Margaret married Don Hunt); 421 ("Let �Er Split")

1949: 426 (San Jose, CA); 427 (Portland; Harold Reyman associate); 430 (Portland earthquake), 431 (birthday poem), 432 (Donald G Hunt revival), 433 (Cincinnati, Iowa Rally; Lincoln Bible Institute), 434 (Hamburg, Iowa)

1950: 439 (Inglewood "Christ For The World" conference; grandson born), 440 (Troutdale Gathering, OR), 441 (Cincinnati, IA; Del Paso Heights, Sacramento, CA; San Luis Obispo, CA) 442 (Crowley, LA),

1951: 443 (Beam-Jessup), 446 (Montavilla Rally; Eastside, San Jose, CA), 448 (Montavilla revival �Marion McKee; Troutdale Gathering, OR; San Jose, CA, Holy Spirit controversy), 449 (Sacramento Gathering, CA), 450 (Grandson, Ron Hunt born; Gering, NE; Streator, Ill; Sweet Home, OR),

1952: 455 (father dies; School of Evangelists begins in Portland, OR; Barbara marries Loren Brink), 456 (college started at Montavilla), 458 (1952: Sacramento, CA; Troutdale, OR; Anchorage),

1953: 459 (college teaching), (David Brink born), 462 (1953 Duke Street starts),

1954: 463 (Centerville Rally), 464 (Eastside San Jose Rally; Troutdale Gathering, OR), 465 (Del Paso Heights, Sacramento, CA),

1955: 466 (Portland teaching; Troutdale Gathering, OR; San Jose Rally, CA; McCown revival at Montavilla)

1956: 469 (Morro Bay, CA), 470 (two more grandchildren; new church in N. Portland), 471- 471 (bakery man; San Luis Obispo, CA; Centerville Rally, IA),

1957: 472 (A. A. Allen), 474 (printing press), (Troutdale, OR; Hunt's Montavilla revival; Centerville, IA; Rushville, IN), 476 (Phoenix, AZ),

1958: 479 (N. American Christian Convention), 480 (Troutdale, OR), 483 (Hamburg, IA ; Council Bluffs, IA; Manteca, CA; Coos Bay, OR; Centerville, IA; Rushville, IN), 484 (Earl Chambers revival),

1959: 487-489 (television),

1960: 483 (Philadelphia, PA), 491 (opposed Kennedy), 495 (Philadelphia, PA; Phoenix, AZ; Eugene, OR; Bandon, OR; Rodney Reyman revival at Montavilla; Carol Lankford revival at Montavilla; Archie Jr. married Judy Wells),

1961: 496-497 (ministry methods), 498 (Jenelle married Earl Montross), 499 (Dayton, OH; San Jose, CA; Bakersfield, CA; Boise, ID),

1962: 501 (book published); 502 (Esther married Tom Burgess),

1963: 506 (book published), 508 (Hugh Olson revival), 509 (Stockton, CA �Roy Shaw funeral), 510 (Kennedy assassination),

1964: 513 (conflict with Warren Bell over TV), 514-515 (Boyce Mouton revival),

1965: 515 (mother's funeral), 519 (Malburt Prater revival; Bandon, OR; Loveland, CO; Reno, NV; Portland, OR; Holgate Rally, Portland, OR )

1966: 522 (Lafe Culver revival); 525 (fire),

1967: 527 (Israeli/Arab 6-day war), 529-532 (pictures),

1968: 535-538 (resigned), 539 (Gering, NE), 540 (Rushville Rally, IN; Centerville Rally, IA), 540 (Eugene, OR; Hayward Rally, CA; Eugene, OR; Sonora, Mexico)

1969: 541 (Lindsay, CA; Reno), 542 (Bishop �Bill Jessup reconciliation); 543 (San Jose, CA; Sacramento, CA; Oakland, CA; Mooresville, IN), 544 Joplin, MO; Butler, MO; Benmidji; Holgate Rally, Portland, OR; Rushville Rally, IN; Centerville Rally, IA; Montavilla; Gering, NE),

1970: 545 (Lexington, NE), 548 (Orlando, FL; Maryville MO; Loveland, CO; Englehard NC; Brush Arbor Rally; Virginia Beach, VA; Holgate, Portland, OR; St. Helens, OR; Rushville Rally, IN; Centerville Rally, IA; Gering, NE; Carson City, NV),

1971: 549 (Fairfield, IA; Rising Sun, IN; Rutland, VT; Portland, OR; Putnam, CT; Northboro, MA.; Kimball, NE.), 549 (house),

1972: 550 (Orlando, FL; Lakeland, FL; Fairfield, IA; Council Bluffs, IA; Reedsport, OR; St. Helens, OR; Duke Street, Portland, OR; Topeka, KS; St. Louis Christian College, MO), 551- 552 (California �brother died)

1973: 553 (Ottumwa, IA; Des Moines, IA; Rising Sun, IN; Northboro, MS; Wheatland, IL; Montavilla; Rushville, IN; Gering, NE),

1974: 554 (Lakeland, FL; Orlando, FL; Houston, TX),

1975: 554 (Dallas, TX; San Jose, CA; Enid, OK; Wray CO; Yoncalla OR; San Jose, CA; Rittman OH; Hamburg, IA; Louisville, KY; Gering, NE), 555 (Fort Morgan, CO), 556 (surgery; Israel; Holgate, Portland, OR; Centerville, IA; Gering, NE),

1976: 559 (Portland, OR; Growth Clinic; Holgate Rally; eye operation), 560 (Golden Wedding anniversary), 560-561 (Gering, NE train wreck), 562 (division at Gering, NE),

1977: 563 (division at Gering, NE), 564 (new church and college), 566 (Reedsport, OR; Albany, OR; St. Helens, OR; Holgate Rally, Portland, OR; Canada),

1978: 567 (Reno, NV; Lindsay, CA; Paradise CA; Albany, OR; Reedsport, OR; St. Helens, OR), 568 (Reno, NV; Kimball, NE; Phoenix, AZ),

1979: 569 (Cheyenne, WY; Las Vegas, NV; Pomona, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Lindsay, CA; Paradise), 570 (Smith River, OR; Coos Bay, OR; St. Helens, OR; Hepatitis; Leaving

Montavilla), 571 (Scottsbluff, NE),

1981: 573-574 (Scottsbluff, NE; Springfield, OR), 575-576 (Salem, OR), 576 (Smith River, OR; Red Feather, CO ; Scottsbluff, NE; Duke Street, Portland, OR; Reedsport, OR),

1982: 577 (Scottsbluff, NE; Locust Grove), 578 (Lindsay, CA; Coos Bay, OR; Duke Street, Portland, OR),

1983: 580 (Galax; Dobson; Duke Street, Portland, OR), 581 (Spokane, WA),

1984: 588 (Lindsay, CA; Los Gatos; San Jose; Portland), 589 (Centerville Rally; Rutland; Gering, NE),

1985: 593 (west coast preaching 16 times),

1986: 594-595 (Scottsbluff, NE; Portland, OR; 60th wedding anniversary; Duke Street, Portland, OR; Gresham, OR; Salem. OR; Reedsport, OR, family camp),

1987: 596-598 ("Beyond Death"), 599-600 (reconciliation; Colorado camp), 601 (Bridgeport),

1988: 604-605 (Ottumwa, IA), 607 (interview; last sermon), 610-611 (Scottsbluff, NE; Forest Grove, OR; Gering, NE), 615-617 (death), 618-620 (Scottsbluff, NE funeral), 621-624

(Portland, OR funeral)

Word, Barbara (Archie's daughter, married Loren Brink), 161 (1929 born), 212 (1932), 284 (1935), 285 (1935), 305, 332 (1941), 427 (1949 at San Jose), 455 (1952 married), 462 (1953 David born), 595-596 (1985)

Word, Bill (Archie's cousin), 250 (1934 baptized)

Word, Esther (Archie's daughter, married Burgess), 387 (1946), 423 (1948), 468 (1955), 498 (1961), 502 (1962 married Tom Burgess)

Word, Florence "Billy" (Procter) (married Archie), 41 (born May 13, 1902), 42 (baptized), 43, 46 (letters; notes), 47-52, 56, 62 (notes), 63 (notes), 72 (graduated), 76, 77, 78 (breakup), 79, 83, 84 (notes), 86 (picture), 95, 100 (1925), 114 (1925 "Poogey"), 129 (1926), 130 (1926 married Archie July 7, 1926), 131, 135 (1927), 141 (1927 Eugene), 143 (notes), 149 (1927 Margaret born), 160 (1929 Barbara born), 167 (1930), 168 (1930), 183 (1930 led songs), 212 (1932 Jenelle born), 231 (1933), 239 (1933), 262 (1935 Anna Jean born), 265 (1935), 266 (1935 ticket), 284 (1935 Montavilla ministry begins), 308 (1938), 321 (1940 Archie Jr. born), 332 (1941 miscarriage of twins), 335 (1942), 336 (1943 Esther born), 359 (1945), 365 (1945 teaches song leading; prayer), 385 (1946 poem), 420 (1948 Margaret married Don Hunt), 431 (1949 birthday poem), 439 (grandson), 455 (1952 Barbara married Loren Brink), 466 (1955 two grandsons), 468 (1955), 474 (1957), 495 (1960 Archie Jr. married Judy Wells), 498 (1961 Jenelle married Earl Montross), 501, 502 (1962 Esther married Tom Burgess), 512 (moved), 515, 531 (pictures), 538 (leaving Portland), 541-542, 544, 547-548, 553 (1975), 557 (notes), 559 (1976), 560, 561 (train wreck), 562 (division), 563 (division), 566 (Canada), 567, 570 (Hepatitis), 571 (stroke), 572, 573, 577, 578 (Lindsay, CA), 580 ("Louie" put to

sleep), 581 (hospitalized), 583 (notes: diary), 586 (Alzheimers), 590 (December 31, 1984 last entry), 595 (60th Wedding anniversary), 604 (nursing home), 610, 611

Word, Jenelle (Archie's daughter, married to Montross and after his death, Green), 212 (1932 born), 213 (1932), 284 (1935), 285 (1935), 305 (1938), 498 (1961 marriage), 531 (picture), 596 (1986 husband died), 604 (1988), 610

Word, Louise (Walter's wife), 551 (1972)

Word, Luther (Archie's father), 16, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 50, 51, 53, 74, 94, 100 (1925), 101 (1925), 187 (1931), 192 (1931), 440 (1950 great-grandson), 455 (1952 death)

Word, Margaret (Archie's daughter, married Donald Hunt), 63 (notes), 149 (1927), 152 (1928), 212 (1931), 284 (1935), 285 (1935), 305 (1938), 388 (1946), 393 (1946) San Jose College), 395 (1946), 408 (1947 Ottumwa), 531 (picture)

Word, Nellie (Arnold) "Nell" (Archie's sister), 41, 63 (notes), 84 (notes), 109 (notes), 110 (notes), 124 (notes), 125 (notes), 129, 169 (notes), 187 (1931), 515 (1963), 542 (1969), 569 (1979)

Word, Walter "Hoss" (Archie's brother), 31, 37, 40, 41, 74, 80, 81, 100 (1925 fumigating orchards), 123 (1926), 515 (1965), 550 (1972 dying) 551

Wright, Will J. (preacher), 389 (1946), 409 (1947)

Yaw, Madam Ellen Beach (singer) (80)

Yoder, Leo (preacher), 407 (1947), 428 (1949), 439 (1950), 446 (1951), 468 (1955), 495 (1960 died),


(Books and pamphlets are in Italics. Periodicals are not in italics but underlined. Articles are plain type in quotes.)

A Dedicated Decision: The Life Story of Archie Word (Book by Donald G. Hunt Sr.) 63 (notes), 84 (notes), 110 (notes), 124 (notes), 168 (notes), 195 (notes), 269 (notes), 270 (notes), 298 (notes), 348 (notes), 373 (notes), 398 (notes), 451 (notes), 558 (notes), 477 (notes), 584 (notes), 602 (notes), 605 (1988), 626 (notes)

"A Word from A. Word" (column in Impact), 556 (1975)

Adventuring for Christ in Changing Times (book), 451 (notes)

Ben Hur (book), 140

Beyond Death: What the Bible Says About the Hereafter (book by Russell Boatman), 597 (1987)

Carlton, Oregon, newspaper, 218 (notes)

Cannery Row (book by Steinbeck), 36

Canton Christian, 486 (1991)

Ceres, California, newspaper, 270 (notes)

Christian Century, Disciples of Christ publication, 158

Christian Evangelist, 109 (notes), 229 (1933), 341 (1943)

Christian Evidences, by A. word, 522 (1966), 528 (notes)

Christian Evidences, by McGarvey

Christian Herald, 491 (1960)

Christian Minister's Manual, 513 (1964)

Christian Scientist, 246 (1934), 247 (1934), 250 (1934)

Christian Standard, 10, 27, 28, 32, 46 (notes), 194 (1931), 195 (notes), 217 (notes), 198 (1931), 215 (1932), 218 (notes), 222 (1932), 242 (notes), 243 (notes), 246 (1934), 249 (1934), 260 (1934: Ceres split healed), 267 (1935 "Can You Imagine This?"), 269 (notes), 270 (notes), 275 (1935), 291 (1936 "Love Me �Love My Dog"), 299 (notes), 312 (1939 on war), 318 (1940 tobacco sermon etc.), 322 (notes), 323 (notes), 325 (1941), 330 (1941, 331 (1941), 336 (1943), 338 (1943), 341 (1943 "Call to Enlistment"), 347 (1944), 348 (notes), 349 (notes), 367 (1945 symposium), 373 (notes), 405 (1947), 424 (notes), 433 (1949), 437 (1950 new convention), 617 (1988), 626 (notes)

Christian View of Armed Warfare, by William E. Paul, 486 (1969)

Christians Only, by James Deforest Murch, 169 (notes)

Chronicle of the 20th Century, 322 (notes)

Coos Bay World, 109 (notes), 243 (notes), 583 (notes)

Crossroads Family Circle, 618 (1988), 627 (notes)

Dufur, Oregon, newspaper, 242 (notes)

Eugene Register-Guard, 63 (notes), 109 (notes), 243 (notes), 533 (1981), 574 (1980), 576 (1982), 583 (notes), 617 (1988), 626 (notes)

Evangelism from the Heart of America, 557 (notes)

"Fellowship, The Issue of Our Times," 463 (1954)

Fifty Years of Attack and Controversy, 348 (notes)

Flagstaff, Arizona, newspaper, 270 (notes)

Fowler Ensign (newspaper), 232 (1933), 234 (1933), 243 (notes)

Galax Gazette (Lindsay newspaper), 60, 63 (notes), 109 (notes), 110 (notes), 577 (1982), 583 (notes)

Gazette (see Lindsay Gazette, or Galax Gazette)

Good News (Archie's first paper), 333 (1942), 334 (1942), 348 (notes), 335 (1942)

Gospel Broadcaster (San Jose Christian College), 322 (notes) Happy On My Way To Heaven, by Don DeWelt, 299 (notes), 322 (notes), 348 (notes), 424 (notes)

How, When and Where We Got our Bible, 473 (1957) Impact, (Published by Bill Paul) 556 (1975)

Impossible Without God, 322 (notes)

The Inavale Christian, 399

Iowa Christian College News, 503

"Jap Balloon Preaching," 410 (1948), 411 (1948 #2), 412 (1948), 426 (1949)

Lakeport, California, newspaper, 218 (notes)

The Life Story of Archie Word, (by Donald G. Hunt Sr.), 63 (notes), 84 (notes), 110 (notes), 111 (1925), 130, 322 (notes)

Lincoln County Leader, 279 (1935), 281 (1935), 298 (notes)

Lindsay Gazette, California, 188 (1931), 189 (1931), 211 (1932), 218 (notes), 261 (1935), 270 (notes)

Lookout, 203, 218 (notes)

Los Angeles Times, 217 (notes 1932)

Los Angeles newspaper, 269 (notes)

Memoirs of Alexander Campbell by Pendleton [error: written by Richardson], 419 (1948)

Montavilla Memories by Ron Carleson, 277 (1935 *note: book date in error), 243 (notes), 298 (notes), 299 (notes), 322 (notes), 323 (notes), 348 (notes), 373 (notes), 424 (notes), 451 (notes), 477 (notes), 528 (notes)

Montavilla Times (Portland, Oregon), 27, 46 (notes), 236 (1933), 243 (notes)

NACC Update, 417 (1990), 424 (notes)

Newman's Church History, 109 (1925)

Newberg, Oregon, newspaper, 242 (notes)

North American Gold, The Story of the 50 North American Christian Conventions, 417 (1948), 424 (notes)

Oakland, California, newspaper, 270 (notes)

One Body, 299 (notes), 451 (notes), 476 (1984), 478 (notes), 585 (1975), 618 (1988), 627 (notes)

Oregon Journal, 584 (notes), 578 (1982)

Poems: 45 ("Somewhere in France"), 385 (1946 "Just Missing You" �Florence Word), 431 (1949 by Florence Word)

Portland Oregonian, 524 (1966), 578 (1982), 579 (1982), 584 (notes), 617 (1988)

"Repent or Perish," 375 (1946)

Restoration Herald (published by R. E. Elmore), 10, 341 (1943), 361 (1945), 372 (notes), 393 (1946)

"Believe It or Not" (by Ripley), 23, 29, 184, 579 (1982)

Salem Statesman-Journal, 63 (notes), 575 (1980), 583 (notes)

Gospel Broadcaster (San Jose Christian College), 322 (notes)

San Jose Evening News, 463 (1954)

Christian Standard, 10, 28, 32, 46 (notes), 194 (1931), 195 (notes), 217 (notes), 198 (1931), 215 (1932), 218 (notes), 222 (1932), 242 (notes), 243 (notes), 246 (1934), 249 (1934), 260 (1934 Ceres split healed), 267 (1935 "Can You Imagine This?"), 269 (notes), 275 (1935), 291 (1936 "Love Me �Love My Dog"), 312 (1939 on war), 318 (1940 tobacco sermon etc.), 325 (1941), 330 (1941 Archie writes on Repentance and Faith), 331 (1941), 336 (1943), 338 (1943), 341 (1943 call to Enlistment), 347 (1944), 367 (1945 Symposium), 405 (1947), 433 (1949), 437 (1950 new convention), 617 (1988) Sanger Herald, 256 (1934), 270 (notes)

Scottsbluff Star-Herald, 109 (notes), 592 (1985), 617 (1988), 601 (notes), 627 (notes)

Soul-Winning Outlines (53) on First Corinthians 506 (1963), 528 (notes)

Soul-Winning Sermon Outlines From Hebrews, 501 (1962), 502 (1960), 503 (notes)

Spokane Spokesman-Review, Washington, 83 (notes), 581 (1983), 584 (notes)

Springfield News, 109 (notes), 583 (notes), 754 (1988)

Standard Publishing Company, 364 (1945), 441 (1950)

"Ten Things to Help Christians Mature," 521 (1966)

The Anchor, San Jose Bible College (annual), 399 (notes)

The Builder, 584 (notes), 585 (1984), 601 (notes), 618 (1988), 627 (notes)

The Christian Home, 566 (1977)

The Church Revealed in the Scriptures, 46 (notes: Chart), 298 (notes), 319 (1940 Book), 326 (1941), 371 (1945), 378 (1946)

The Church Speaks, 298 (notes), 321 (1940), 322 (notes), 335 (1942), 343 (1944 begins), 346 (1944), 347 (1944), 348 (notes), 349 (notes), 355 (1945), 356 (1945), 357 (1945), 358 (1945), 360 (1945), 361 (1945 Elmore), 362 (1945), 367 (1945), 369 (1945 "Are Christian Churches Christian?"), 371 (1945), 372 (notes: 1945), 373 (notes), 379 (1946), 381 (1946), 382 (1946), 395 (1946), 397 (1946), 398 (notes), 399 (notes), 406 (1947), 410 (1948 "Jap Balloon Preaching"), 413 (1948), 416 (1948), 421 (1948 "Let �er Split"), 423 (notes), 424 (notes), 428 (1949 Dunsmuir fire), 429 (1949 Ox and jackass), 433 (1949), 443 (1951 Beam-Jessup cartoon), 445 (1951), 446 (1951), 447, 450 (notes), 451 (notes), 454 (1952), 456 (1952), 459 (1953), 460 (1953), 462 (1953 changed to magazine), 463 (1954), 466 (1955), 468 (1955), 473 (1957), 475 (1957), 477 (notes), 478 (notes), 480 (1958), 481 (1958), 484 (1958), 490 (1959 Stewart Baker), 495-496 (1961 Archie's schedule), 500 (1962), 502 (notes), 503 (notes), 509 (1963), 512 (1964), 517 (1965), 519 (1965 20,000), 521 (1966), 523 (1966), 528 (notes), 536-538 (1968 resignation), 557 (notes)

The Deck of Cards, 520 (1965)

The Faithful Watchman (published by Word), 320 (1940)

The Grapes of Wrath --Steinbeck, 34

The Other Day (Book by Archie Word), 46 (notes), 168 (notes), 169 (notes), 195 (notes), 217 (notes), 218 (notes), 242 (notes), 243 (notes), 269 (notes), 270 (notes), 299 (notes), 322 (notes), 348 (notes), 372 (notes), 423 (notes), 550 (1951), 557 (notes) The Pleiades, 82-82 (yearbook)

The Sword and Staff, 548 (1970), 568 (1978)

The Voice of Evangelism, 46 (notes), 143 (notes), 168 (notes), 169 (notes), 218 (notes), 242 (notes), 298 (notes), 299 (notes), 314 (1939 on war), 322 (notes), 326 (1941), 378, 379 (1946 first issue), 380 (1946), 387 (1946), 394 (1946), 398 (notes), 421 (1948), 424 (notes), 432, (1949), 433 (1949), 440 (1950 Troutdale, OR), 445 (1951), 464 (1954), 451 (notes), 467, 470 (1956), 476 (1957), 477 (notes), 478 (notes), 495 (1960), 503 (notes), 513 (1964), 528 (notes), 549 (1972), 565 (1977), 585 (1984), 589 (479), 601 (notes), 611 (last article), 618 (1988 death of Archie), 626 (notes), 627 (notes)

The will to have peace, 169 (notes)

The Coos Bay World, 570 (1979)

Things I've Learned in the Service of God, A. Word, 322 (notes)

Time Magazine, 535 (1968), 536 (1968), 557 (notes)

Toledo, Oregon, newspaper, 156 (1928) 168 (notes), 169 (notes)

Toward a New Testament Position on the Television Problem, by Lee Turner, 487 (1959), 503 (notes)

TV and the Christian by Burton Barber, 487 (1959), 503 (notes)


What the Bible Says About the End Times by Russell Boatman, 597 (1987)

World Evangel (official organ of Eugene Bible University), 110 (notes), 153 (1928, 155 (1928), 168 (notes), 169 (notes), 194 (1931), 195 (notes), 202 (1931), 207 (1931), 210 (1931), 213 (1932), 217 (notes), 218 (notes), 228 (1933), 242 (notes), 243 (notes)

Yoncalla, Oregon, Newspaper, 217 (notes)


Abortion, 579 (1982)

Aixe, France, 60

Alaska, 383 (1946), 384 (1946)

Albany, Oregon, 309 (1939), 566 (1977), 567 (1978)

Alvadore, Oregon, 132 (1926)

American Association for the Advancement of Atheism, 522 (1966)

American Cancer Society, 473 (1957)

American Heart Association, 473 (1957)

American Legion, 95

American Standard Version (ASV), 116 (1925)

Anchorage, Alaska, 384 (1946), 385 (1946), 458 (1952), 514 (1964)

Arizona Hotel, 49

Aspen, Wyoming, 256 (1934)

Atlanta Christian College, 158 (1928)

Automobile, 261 (1935), 262 (1935 gift)

B :

B.B.C. see Boise Bible College

Bakersfield, California, 221 (1932), 499 (1961)

Bandon, Oregon, 495 (1960), 519 (1965)

Baptist Church, at Eighth and Pearl, Eugene, 114 (1925 Archie sang)

Barber Shop, Jessup's, 236 (1933)

Barren County, Kentucky, 12, 14, 15

Bayard, Nebraska, 404 (1947), 414 (1948), 446 (1951)

Beaver Creek, Kentucky, 13

Beaverton, Oregon, 120 (1925 sang)

Bemidji, Minnesota, 544 (1969)

Berkley, California, 167

Berlin, 428 (1949 airlift), 461 (1953 uprising), 499 (wall 1961), 510 (1963 Kennedy)

Bethany Virginia church, 419 (1948)

Bible College, 475 (1957), 481-482 (1958)

Bible read when preaching, 306 (1938)

Bishop, California, 542 (1969 Bill Jessup)

Bismark, 325 (1941 sunk)

Blackie (Archie's car), 101 (1925), 117 (1925)

Blue Mouse Theater, Marshfield, Oregon, 204 (1931), 205 (1931)

Bluffview Church of Christ, Scottsbluff, Nebraska, 594 (1985)

Boat The Florence B., 336 (1943)

Boise Bible College, 296, 433 (1949 Janelle), 449 (1951)

Boise, Idaho, 499 (1961)

Bolshevik meeting, 70, 309 (1939)

Bonney Slope, Oregon church, 446 (1950-1959 Dave DeWelt, Ray Weideman)

Booster Club, 156, 179, 189 (1931), 202 (1931)

Bootlegger, Archie Word., 92, 93, 96, 198 (1931)

Booze (see "Worldliness"), 338 (1943), 339 (1943), 340 (1943)

Bowling Green, Kentucky, 11

Boxing, 53, 71, 94

Bridgeport, Nebraska, 601 (1987)

British West Indies, 405 (1947)

British-Israelism, 562 (1976)

Brookings, South Dakota, 309 (1939 revival), 358 (revival), 427 (1949)

Brooklyn Dodgers, 58

Brooklyn, New York, 57

Brush Arbor Rally, 548 (1970)

Buffalo University, 381 (1946)

Bugler illustration, 507 (1963)

Bus boycott, 470 (1956)

Business school, 95

Buster Bill (horse), 41, 43, 52, 59, 68

Butler University, 166

Butler, Missouri, 543 (1969), 544 (1970)

C.R.A. (see Christian Restoration Association), 404 (1947), 429 (1949)


Cadle Tabernacle, Indianapolis, Indiana, 414 (1948)

Caesarea Philippi, Israel, 556 (1955)

Camas, Washington, 306 (1938)

Campbell Institute, 158, 161 (1929), 355

Cane Ridge revival, Kentucky, 30

Card playing (see "Worldliness"), 238 (1933), 239 (1933), 247 (1934), 249 (1934), 250 (1934 backslider's Bible), 330 (1941), 465 (1954), 467 (1954), 521 (1965)

Carlton, Oregon, 202 (1931)

Carson City, Nevada, 548 (1970)

Catholicism, 490 (1959), 491-494 (1960), 499 (1961), 500 (1960), 510 (1963), 511, 520 (1965),

527 (1967)

Cedar Mill, Oregon, 446 (1951)

Centerville Rally, Iowa, 388 (1946), 463 (1954), 464 (1954), 472 (1956), 483 (1958), 540 (1968), 544 (1969), 565 (1977), 568 (1978), 556 (1975), 605 (1988)

Centerville, Iowa, 388 (church begins), 548 (1970),

Centerville, Iowa, Drake Avenue Disciples of Christ church, 387 (1946)

Ceres, California, 107, 257 (1934), 258 (1934 Revival), 259 (1934), 260 (1934), 262 (1935), 270 (notes: 1935)

Charts, 192 (1931 "The church" ), 216 (1932 "Rightly Dividing the Word")

Cheyenne, Wyoming, 569 (1979)

Chico, California, 98

China, 438 (1950 recognized), 519 (1965)

Choir, 102 (1925), 108 (1925)

Christ For The World Conference, 439 (1950)

Christian Americanization Work, Minneapolis, Minnesota., 102 (1925)

Christian Church, 288 (1935 name changed), 402 (1947), 403 (1947), 421 (1948), 489 (1959)

Christian Economics, 500 (1962)

Christian Endeavor, 42, 57, 60, 70, 137, 229 (1933), 352 (1945)

Christian Leadership College, Denver, Colorado, 552 (1973 dispute)

Christian Restoration Association, 9, 360 (1945), 361 (1945), 403 (1947)

Christmas, 515 (1964)

Church Growth Clinic, Portland, Oregon, 559 (1976)

Church of Christ Bible Training School, Gering, NE, 539 (1969), 549 (1971), 551 (1972), 552 (1973 controversy), 560-563 (1976-1977)

Churches of Christ (non-instrumental), 403 (1947), 404 (1947), 489 (1959)

Churches of Christ School of Evangelists, Portland, Oregon (see Northwest College of the Bible), 441 (1950), 456-458 (1952), 482 (1958), 491 (1959), 499 (1961 scholars), 511

(1963), 513-514 (1964), 525 (1966 fire)

Churches started, 344 (1944)

Cincinnati Bible Institute, 158 (1923 started)

Cincinnati Bible Seminary, Ohio, 158 (1924), 336 (1943), 371 (1945 Hunt), 393 (1946), 418 (1948), 439 (1950)

Cincinnati, Iowa Rally, 389 (1946), 392 (1946), 409 (1947), 433 (1949), 441 (1950)

Cincinnati, Iowa church, 371 (1945)

Cincinnati, Ohio church, 377 (1946 ordained McMorrow)

Cincinnati, Ohio Conference on Evangelism, 336 (1943), 378 (1946), 389 (1946), 416 (1948)

Clay County, Kentucky , 12

Lakeport, CA, 207 (1931)

Coachella, California, 194 (1931), 197 (1931)

Coburg, Oregon, 137 (1927)

College of the Pacific, 89

College started at Montavilla (see "Churches Of Christ School of Evangelists" and "Northwest College of the Bible"), 456-458 (1952)

Columbia University, 536 (1968)

Comity (agreeing not to proselytize members of other churches, 405 (1947)

Committee of 49, 342 (1943)

Committees of One Thousand, 394 (1946), 415 (1948)

Communism, 353, 498-499 (1961 space race), 509 (1963), 527 (1967)

Coney Island, 70

Conference on Evangelism, Cincinnati, Ohio, 336 (1943), 340 (1943), 355, 393 (1946), 416 (1946)

Conference on Evangelism, San Jose Bible College, 355 (1945), 356 (1945), 410 (1948), 412 (1948), 543 (1969)

Conference on the Holy Spirit, 449 (1951)

Congress of Disciples of Christ, 158

Continuation Committee, 480-481 (1958)

Conversions, 113 (1925), 115 (1925), 116 (1925)

Coos Bay (see Marshfield �name changed), 183, 264 (1935), 308 (1929 �6th revival), 430 (7th revival 1949), 483 (1958), 570 (1979), 578 (1982)

Corbett, Oregon Christian Church, 486 (1958)

Corona, California, 213 (1932), 214 (1932: meeting)

Corvallis Children's Home, Oregon, 120 (1925 sang)

Corvallis, Oregon, 132 (1926 sang), 136 (1927)

Cosby Printers, Portland, Oregon, 473

Council Bluffs, Iowa, 483 (1958), 550 (1972)

Crabtree, Oregon, 120 (1925 sang), 123 (1926), 124 (1926 first sermon), 132, 145 (1928), 146 (1927), 147 (1927), 148 (1927, 149 (1927), 150 (1928), 154 (1928), 155 (1928), 156 (1928), 160 (1929), 351 (1945)

Crediford, D.R, 167 (1930)

Cresswell, Oregon, 118 (1925 New Year party 1925), 120 (1925 sang), 138 (1927), 360 (1945)

Crowley, Louisiana, 441 (1950)-442 (1950)

Cuba, 490 (1960), 499 (1962)


Dallas Christian College, Texas, 554 (1975)

Dallas, Oregon, 66, 136-137 (1927), 138 (1927), 140 (1927), 141 (1927), 145 (1927), 160 (1929)

Dallas, Texas, 511 (1963 Kennedy shot)

Dance (see "Worldliness"), 56, 76, 96, 97 (1925), 186 (band leader converted), 207 (1931), 208

(1931), 209 (1931), 210 (1932), 237 (1933), 247 (1934), 249 (1934), 250 (1934 list of dances), 353 (1945), 467 (1954)

Davenport, Iowa, 565 (1977 church begins)

Dayton Ohio, 485 (1958), 499 (1961)

Democratic Convention, 536 (1968)

Denton Mill pond (later, Stapels Mill), Kentucky, 15

Denver, Colorado, 552 (1973 college dispute), 557 (1975 controversy)

Depression, The Great, begins, 162 (1929), 180 (1930)

Des Moines, Iowa, 553 (1973)

Devil's Night" (Saturday), 208 (1931)

Dickson Drug, 236 (1933)

Direct Support churches, 405 (1947), 406 (1947)

Disciples Board of Church Extension, 412 (1948)

Disciples Divinity house, 158

Disciples of Christ (see International Convention), 158 (Divinity House; Christian Century; Campbell Institute; Congress), 159, 162, 204 (1931), 288 (1935), 341 (1943), 346 (1944), 347 (1944), 356 (1945 convention), 357 (1945), 360 (1945), 368 (1945), 387 (1946), 394 (1946 Columbus Ohio Convention), 402 (1947), 404 (1947), 415 (1948), 416 (1948), 428-29 (1949), 429 (1949 "Compromise convention"), 434 (1949), 437 (1950), 444 (1951), 489 (1959)

Disciples of Christ Historical Society, 9

Disciples Pension Fund, 161 (1929), 207 (1931)

Dobson, N.C., 580 (1982)

Drinking (see Booze, Worldliness)

Dripping Springs Road, 14

Drunk, (see also Booze), 98 (1925)

Ducor, California, 48

Dufur, Oregon, 223 (1932), 224 (1933), 225 (1932), 226 (1933), 227 (1933), 566 (1977)

Dunkirk, 320 (1940)

Dunlap, California, 257 (1934)

Dunsmuir, California, 428 (1949)

E.B.U. �see Eugene Bible University -


East Germany, 499 (1961)

Ebbets Field, 70

Eight Leading Churches, 316 (1939)

Elephant's Back hill, near Lindsay California, 74

Elmhurst Christian Church, 266 (1935)

Elmira, Oregon, 185 (1930), 186 (1930)

Elsinore, California, 219 (1932), 220 (1932), 221 (1932)

Emery Auditorium, 343 (1944 Conference on Evangelism)

Englehard, North Carolina, 548 (1970)

Enid, Oklahoma, 554 (1975)

Episcopal Church, 239 (1933 card party)

Eugene Bible University (E.B.U.), Oregon (see Northwest Christian College �NCC), 23, 99 (1925 Archie's 1st year begins), 101, 102 (1925), 111 (1925), 114 (1925), 119 (1925 gym leader), 131 (1926 Archie's 2nd year), 145 (1927 Archie's 3rd year ), 157 (1928 Archie's 4th year begins), 161 (1929), 161 (1929 Archie's 5th year), 167 (1930), 207 (1931), 222 (1932), 230 (1933), 236 (1933), 240 (1933), 241 (1933), 282 (1935), 287 (1935), 296 (1936 Archie sends students), 303 (1937), 311 (1939 E.C. Sanderson, president), 338 (1943), 360 (1945), 401 (1947), 402 (1947), 417 (1948), 444 (1951), 461 (1953), 483 (1958)

Eugene Divinity School, 101 (1925)

Eugene, Oregon, 101 (1925), 138 (1927), 149 (1927), 187, 495 (1960), 573 (1981)

Eugene, Oregon, First Christian Church, 123 (1926 Sang), 136 (1926), 167 (1930)

Eugene, Oregon, Spencer's Butte, 109 (1925)

Eugene, Oregon, West Broadway, 540 (1968)

Exline Iowa Church, 377 (1946)


Fairfield, Iowa, 548 (1971), 550 (1972)

Fall City, Oregon, 138 (1927)

Valparaiso, Indiana, 475 (1957)

Federal Council of Churches, 355, 356 (1945)

Feud (Word & Elmore), 362 (1945)

Figueroa California Christian Church, 258 (1934)

Firm Foundation, 444 (1951)

Flag, service (those in ministry), 364 (1945)

Flagstaff, Arizona, 255 (1934 Revival)

Fort Morgan, Colorado, 555 (1955)

Fowler, California, 232 (1933 revival), 265 (1935 2nd revival), 266 (1935)

Franklin, Oregon, 132 (1926), 138 (1927)

Freshman-Sophomore Mix, 113 (1925 bowing down)

Fresno, California, 33, 54, 56, 96, 97(1925), 209 (1931), 257 (1934)

Friend, Oregon, 224 (1933)

Fullerton, California, Eastside Christian Church, 514


Galax, Virginia, Locust Grove Church, 577 (1982), 580 (1983)

Gallows Hollow Hill, 21

Gering, Nebraska, 94, 413 (1948), 450 (1951), 539 (1968), 544 (1969), 548 (1970), 553 (1973), 554 (1975), 556 (1975), 557 (controversy), 560-561 (1976), 562-564 (1976-1977 Division), 583 (notes: letter of disfellowship), 601 (1987)

German Baptist Home, 333 (1942)

Gideons, 314 (1939)

Glasgow, Kentucky, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 28, 29, 30, 33

Glasgow, Scotland, 30

Global Gospel Services, 474 (1957)

Goldendale, Washington, 236 (1933)

Good Ship Solace (floating hospital), 69

Gospel Train, 419 (1948)

Gossard Undergarment Company, 221 (1932)

Graduated, 73, 82 (high school), 124 (1926 college)

Granada Theatre, 237 (1933)

Grass Valley Church, California

Great Britain, 438 (1950)

Gresham, Oregon, 306 (Warren Bell), 316 (1939), 344 (church begins), 347 (1944 revival), 359 (1945 Beeks), 367 (1945), 440 (1950), 446 (1944), 514 (1964), 595 (1986)

Gresham, Oregon (near), Swedish Covenant Mission Church, 316 (1939)

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 68, 69


Halsey, Oregon, 119 (1925 Archie sang), 132 (1926)

Hamburg, Iowa, 434 (1949), 436 (1949), 483 (1958), 486 (1958), 508, 554 (1975)

Hampton Roads, Virginia, 59, 67, 68 "no good")

Harlot converted, 185 (1930)

Harmony, Oregon, 224 (1933)

Harrisburg, Oregon, 138 (1927)

Hayard, California, 540 (1968)

Hays, Kentucky, 11

Hebron, Oregon, 132 (1926)

Holgate Rally, Portland, Oregon, 519 (1965), 544 (1969), 548 (1970), 556 (1975), 559 (1976), 566 (1977), 568 (1978)

Hollywood, California, 48

Holy Spirit controversy, 448-449 (1951)

Humphrey, Colorado, 256 (1934)

Hungarian revolution, 470 (1956)


Inavale, Nebraska, Christian Church, 392 (1946), 393 (1946)

Independence, Oregon, 138 (1927)

Independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ, 159

Indianapolis, Indiana, 158 (1927)

Inglewood, California church, 422 (1948), 439 (1950)

Ink blotters, 288 (1935)

Interchurch world movement, 207 (1931)

International Bible Mission, Eugene, OR., 102 (1925)

International Convention of the Disciples of Christ (see Disciples), 159, 161, 341 (1943)

Iowa Christian College, 489 (1959)

Iowa Christian Missionary Society, 387 (1946)

Israel, 418 (1948 becomes a state May 14, 1948), 527 (1967 6-day war), 556 (1975 visit)


Jamaica, 70, 405 (1947), 406 (1947), 407 (1947), 408 (1947), 509 (1963), 521 (1966)

Jamaica Christian Trust, Ltd., 509 (1963)

Jamaica, Kingston Gardens church, 406 (1947)

Jefferson Elementary school, 40

Jerusalem Bathtub, 487 (1959)

Joliet, Illinois, First Christian Church, 438 (1950)

Judge, 266 (1935 quashed ticket)

Junction City, Oregon, 120 (1925 sang), 132 (1926), 133 (1926), 138 (1927)


Kent State University, Chicago, Illinois, 545 (1970 rebellion)

Kentucky, 262

Keota, Iowa Rally, 392 (1946)

Keys lost, 262

Kimball, Nebraska, 545 (1970), 548 (1971), 568 (1978)

Kingsburg, 265 (1935)

Kingston, Jamaica, York Street Church of Christ, 406 (1947)

Klamath Falls, Oregon, 108

Knights of Columbus, 473 (1957)

Ku Klux Klan, 121 (1926 Rally), 395 (1946), 396 (1946)


Ladies Aid, 227 (1933), 241 (1933), 248 (1934)

Lakeland, Florida, 550 (1972)

Lakeport, California, 207 (1931), 208 (1931), 210 (1932)

Las Vegas, Nevada, 519 (1965), 569 (1979)

Laurens, Iowa, 429 (1949)

Lexington, Nebraska, Tyler Street Church of Christ, 545 (1970)

Lincoln Bible Institute, 433 (1949)

Lincoln Christian College, 310 (Leon Appel, President)

Lincoln Christian Seminary, 625 (1990)

Lindquist, Bert, 81 (1922 teammate)

Lindsay High School, 48

Lindsay Theater, 76 (Florence worked)

Lindsay, California, 33, 35, 42, 52, 68, 72-74, 95, 99 (1925), 127 (1926 returned), 128 (1926 fumigating trees), 136 (1927), 138, 140, 567 (1978), 569 (1979), 578 (1982), 588 (1984) Lindsay, California, Christian Church, 35 (1909 organized), 42, 116 (1925 at Elmwood and Frazier), 177 (1930), 187 (1931), 191 (1931), 193 (1931), 194 (1931 conversions), 210 (1932: second revival), 211 (1932), 257 (1934), 261 (1935 3rd revival), 262, 264 (1935), 265 (1935), 303 (1937 4th revival), 339 (1943), 469 (1956), 509, 541 (1969), 574 (1980), 607 Little Rock, Arkansas, 474 (1957)

Long Beach, California, 215 (1932), 231 (1933 earthquake), 297

Loraine, Oregon, 138 (1927)

Los Angeles, California, 42, 215 (1932), 217 (1932), 245 (1934 revival), 257 (1934), 569 (1979)

Los Angeles, California, Fetterly Avenue Church of Christ, 215 (1932)

Los Angeles, California, Shorb Avenue Church (Watts), 243 (notes: 1933), 245 (1934), 517 (1965)

Los Banos, California, 257 (1934)

Los Gatos, California, 514, 588 (1984)

Louisville, Kentucky, 554 (1975)

Louis "Louie" (dog), 580 (1983)

Loveland, Colorado, 498 (1961 Jennelle marriage), 519 (1965), 548 (1970)

Lusitania (British ocean liner), 43 (1914 sunk)


Madera, California, 98

Mammoth Cave, 28

Manhattan Bible College, 158 (1927), 475 (1957)

Manila Bible Institute, 158 (1926)

Manteca, California, 483 (1958)

Marcola, Oregon, 163 (1929), 164, 180

Mare Island, San Francisco, California, 73

Marin City, California, 359 (1945)

Marshfield, Oregon (see Coos Bay), 183 (1930 1st Revival), 204-205 (1931 2nd revival)

Maryville, Missouri, 548 (1970)

Masonic Lodge, 136 (1927), 137 (1927)

Matheson's Hardware Store, 38

McCoy, Oregon, 120 (1925 sang)

McGarvey Bible College, 158 (1923)

Medford, Oregon, 306, 307 (1938)

Men and Millions movement, 207 (1931)

Merry Oaks, Kentucky, 11

Methodist Hospital in Los Angeles, 247 (1934)

Metropolitan Opera House in New York, 70

Miami, Oklahoma, 475 (1957)

Mideast Rally, 565 (1977), 568 (1978)

Midwestern School of Evangelism, 296, 326 (1941), 380 (1946), 409 (1947), 433 (1949), 441 (1950), 445 (1951), 449 (1951), 450 (1951), 457 (1952), 458 (1952)

Milking Cow, 317 (1939)

Mill City, Oregon, 147 (1927), 241 (1933), 242 (1933), 243 (notes)

Milwaukee, Oregon, 288 (1935)

Ministerial Association, 481 (1958)

Minneapolis Bible College, Minnesota, 102 (1925)

Minnesota Bible College, 230 (1933), 379 (1946 chapel revival), 435 (1949), 457 (1952), 508 (1963)

Missionaries, 333 (1942)

Modernism, 355 (1945)

Modesto, 33

Monkey, 290 (1935)

Montavilla Plan, 407 (1947)

Montavilla Unemployed Citizen League, 237 (1933)

Moody, Oregon schoolhouse, 156 (1928)

Mooresville, Indiana, 543 (1969), 543 (1969 Mt. Glead church)

Mormonism, 239 (1933), 499 (1960 thesis, Larry Jonas)

Morro Bay, California, 469 (1956)

Mother's day, 71

Movies (see "Worldliness"), 250 (1934), 330 (1941), 353 (1945), 467 (1954)


Name of the church (p.302)

Napa, California, 98

National Evangelistic Association of the Churches of Christ, 329 (1941)

Nazis (see Hitler), 305 (Nuremburg, Germany rally), 309 (1939 Madison Square Garden rally) 312 (1939 Invade Poland)

NCC �see Northwest Christian College -

Nebraska Christian College, 437 (1950)

Needles, California, 57

New Years, 118 (1925)

New York, 73

New York Giants, 443 (1951)

Newberg, Oregon, 222 (1932), 223 (1932), 242 (1933)

Newport, Oregon 165 (1930), 180

Norfolk, Virginia, 60, 61, 68, 72, 577 (1982)

North American Christian Convention, 104 (1927), 158 (1927), 341 (1943), 414 (1948), 416 (1948), 417 (1948), 437 (1950), 438 (1950), 479-481 (1958)

North Korea, 439 (1950), 443 (1951)

North Mount Tabor, 316 (1939)

Northboro, Massachusetts, 553 (1973), 548 (1971)

Northwest Christian College, Eugene, Oregon (see Eugene Bible University), 101 (1925)

Northwest College of the Bible, Portland, Oregon (see Churches of Christ School of

Evangelists), 588 (1984)

Notebook, 326 (1941), 329 (1941)

Nuremburg trials, 369 (1945)


Oakland, California, 106, 266 (1935), 543 (1969 "all black church")

Odd Fellows Hall, 286 (1935 place Montavilla Church began)

Offering box introduced, 206 (1931)

Oil City, Kentucky, 13, 14, 28

Old Fashioned Gospel Hour (Radio Program), 316 (1939)

Olson's Market, 236 (1933)

Ontario, Oregon, 239 (1933), 240 (1933)

Ontario, Oregon Newspaper, 243 (notes)

Open membership, 355, 396 (1946), 405 (1947)

Orchard fumigation, 100 (1925)

Oregon Christian Convention at Turner, 429 (1949)

Oregon Christian Missionary Society, 287 (1935)

Oregon City, 108, 136 (1927)

Oregon Electric, 108 (1925 Archie worked at)

Orlando, Florida , 548 (1970), 550 (1972)

Ottumwa, Iowa, 408 (1947 church), 553 (1973), 571 (1979)

Ozark Bible College, Joplin, Missouri, 342 (1944), 357 (Barber and McMorrow), 371 (1945),

378 (1946 then located at Bentonville, Arkansas), 544 (1969)


Pacific Bible Seminary, Long Beach, California, 158 (1928), 297 (Dwelt attended), 308 (1938)

Pacific Christian College (Pacific Bible Seminary, 75), 241 (1933), 304 (1937)

Pacific Christian Hospital, Eugene, OR., 102 (1925)

Pacific University, 460 (1953)

Paducah, Kentucky, 12

Painted Face, 290 (1935 sermon)

Pakistan, 481-483 (1958)

Paradise, California, 567 (1978), 569 (1979)

Parkrose Church, 412 (1948)

Pennroyal region, Kentucky, 28

Perrydale, Oregon, 120 (1925 sang)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 495 (1960)

Phillips University, 230 (1933), 345 (1944)

Phoenix, Arizona, 495 (1960), 568 (1978)

Pictures, 171-174, 271-274, 529-532

Pinehurst, 211 (1932)

Pioneer, Oregon, 138 (1927)

Pismo Beach, California, 100 (1925)

Plano, California, 76(dance hall)

Platte Valley Bible College, Scottsbluff, Nebraska, 539 (1968), 542 (1969 Bill Jessup)

Pomona, California, 213 (1932), 215 (1932), 216, 217 (1932 preacher goes to jail), 251 (1934 second revival), 252 (1934), 253 (1934: 100 conversions), 569 (1979)

Poplar Bluff, Missouri, 415 (1948)

Port Jefferson, Ohio, 418 (1948)

Porterville, California, 22, 81 (opposing team), 98, 99 (1925)

Portland State University, Oregon, 491 (1960)

Portland, Maine, 548 (1971)

Portland, Oregon 64th Street Church of Christ, 462 (1953)

Portland, Oregon Crossroads Church of Christ, 514, 570 (1979), 610 (1988), 612 (Archie's funeral)

Portland, Oregon, Alberta Street Church of Christ, 318 (1939)

Portland, Oregon, Duke Street Church of Christ, 461-462 (1953), 550 (1972), 576 (1981), 578 (1982), 580 (1983), 595 (1986)

Portland, Oregon, Englewood Church, 282 (1935 final revival of early series)

Portland, Oregon, Kern Park Christian Church, 280 (1935)

Portland, Oregon, Montavilla Church, 18, 23, 236 (1933), 275 (1935), 279 (1935), 281 (1935 "fighting church"), 284 (1935 Archie's ministry begins), 285 (1935 church background), 286 (church began Jan. 25, 1911; description of building), 287 (Deacon knocked preacher down; sheriff padlocked the doors), 288, 290 (1935 church roll reduced; eldership refined) 291 (1936 out of debt), 378 (1946), 382 (1946), 407 (1947), 418 (1948 Lee Turner revival), 419 (1948 the gospel train), 441 (1950 pre-college classes), 448 (1951 McKee), 466 (1955), 468 (1955 McCown), 474 (1957 Hunt), 484 (1958 Earl Chambers), 495 (1960 Rod Reyman, Carol Lankford), 508 (1963 Hugh Olson), 509 (1963 Bob Chambers), 514 (1964 Boyce Mouton), 519 (1965 Malburt Prater), 522 (1966 Lafe Culver), 524-526 (1966 fire), 537 (1968 rebuilt), 538-539 (1943 Carol Lankford) 544 (1969 interim ministry by Archie), 544 (1969 Lankford resigns), 544 (1970-1972 Eddie Werner), 553 (1973), 570 (1979 last service in old building)

Portland, Oregon, Montavilla Tabernacle, 316 (1939)

Prayer meeting, 115 (1925 first), 116 (1925)

Preachers from Montavilla, 109 (1925), 337 (46 tops the nation), 364 (1945 -100 more sent out)

Prohibition, 241 (1933), 242 (1933)

Prostitute preacher's daughter, 255 (1934)

Puritan preacher, 331 (1941)

Putnam, Connecticut, 548 (1971)



Radio & television stations:

39 KALE (Portland, Oregon), 319 (1940 in Portland -program),

138 KGEH (1927),

205 KOOS (1931 in Coos Bay, Oregon --manager converted),

267 KGGC, (1935 in San Francisco, California),

267 KSFO (1935 in San Francisco, California),

319 KVAN (1940 in Vancouver, WA), 468 (1955), 472 (1956),

321 KWJJ (1940 in Portland),

Which Way America? (television program), 575 (1980)


617 KCNI (1988 Scotsbluff, Nebraska)

Red Feather Family Camp, Colorado, 576 (1981), 600 (1987)

Redlands, California, 42

Reedsport, Oregon, 550 (1972), 566 (1977), 567 (1978), 576 (1981), 595 (1986 family camp)

Reno, Nevada, 519 (1965), 541 (1969), 567 (1978), 568 (1978)

Restoration Congress, 357 (1945)

Restoration Forum (to bring unity), 588 (1984)

Restoration Movement, 30, 181, 368 (1945), 403 (1947), 463 (1954)

Revival Fires, 510 (1963), 544 (1969), 546

Rising Sun, Indiana, 548 (1971), 553 (1973)

Rittman, Ohio, 554 (1975)

Rockaway, Oregon, 288 (1935)

Rockford, Illinois Central Church of Christ, Ill, 418 (1948)

Rushville, Indiana, 474 (1957), 483 (1958), 540 (1968), 553 (1973 youth camp)

Russia, 354 (1945)

Rutland, Vermont, 548 (1971), 589 (1984 rally)

S.J.B.C. see San Jose Bible College


Sacramento Gathering, 449 (1951), 458 (1952), 463 (1954), 464 (1954 moved to Eastside San

Jose, CA), 465 (1954)

Sacramento, California, Del Paso Heights Church, 441 (1950), 465 (1954)

Sacramento, California, Florin Road church, 543 (1969)

Safeway Store, 290 (1935)

Saginaw, California, Church, 117 (1925 first public prayer)

Salem, Oregon, 575 (1980), 595 (1986)

San Berdino, California, 17, 230 (1933)

San Bernadino, California, 228 (1933 Revival), 231 (1933 earthquake), 261 (1935 2nd Revival)

San Diego, California, 44, 51

San Francisco, 34, 57, 207 (1931)

San Jose, CA 588 (1984)

San Jose Bible College, California, 296 (1936), 304 (Don Jessup), 311 (1939 new Bible) College), 312 (1939 messages), 321 (1940 Archie sends students), 326 (1941 Burton Barber), 333 (1942), 342 (1944), 357 (conference), 359 (1945), 378 (Hunt & Barber), 383 (1946), 408 (1947), 409 (1947), 410 (1948 "Jap Balloon Preaching"), 412 (1948), 425 (1949 the break), 428 (1949), 444 (1951), 445 (1951 students to Ottumwa), 449 (1951 Holy Spirit controversy), 554 (1975) 457 (1952), 458 (1952), 464 (1954), 509 (1963)

San Jose Rally, 464 (1954), 468 (1955)

San Jose, California, Central Christian Church, 588 (1984)

San Jose, California, Curtner Avenue Church, California, 514 (1964)

San Jose, California, Eastside Church of Christ, 368 (1945 revival), 383 (1946), 446-447 (1951), 448 (1951), 464 (1954 rally), 499 (1961), 554 (1975) San Luis Obispo, California, 106, 247 (1934), 249 (1934), 250 (1934 revival), 257 (1934), 441 (1950), 472 (1956)

San Quentin, 215 (1932), 217 (1932)

Sanger, California, 232 (1933), 256 (1934 revival), 258 (1934)

Santa Clara, Oregon, Church, 106, 117 (1925 Teddy Leavitt revival), 120 (1925 sang), 132 (1926), 133-134 (1926), 142 (1927), 180 (1925), 357 (1945 Conference)

Santa Monica, 49

Scholarship, 99 (1925)

Scio, Oregon, 120 (1925 sang,), 120, 121 (1926 Guiley revival), 123 (1926), 351 (1945)

Scottdale (PA) newsletter, 322 (notes)

Scottsbluff, 564 (1977 church started), 571 (1979), 576 (1981), 577 (1981), 591 (1985 building), 594 (dedication), 618 (1988)

Scottsbluff School of Evangelism, Nebraska, 564-566 (1977), 573 (1980), 591 (1985), 600


Seattle, Washington, 161 (1929 convention)

Sedro Wooley, Washington, 335 (1942)

Segregation, 463 (1954)


Sermons, 278 (1935 Adventism), 290 (1935 "suckers'" "painted face," "buzzards"), 312 (1939 "Felix," "Marriage") 318 (1939 tobacco), 389-392 (1946 "Repent or Perish"); The Most

Often Preached Sermon of Jesus, 169 (notes)

Seventh Day Adventist, 278 (1935 sermon), 346 (1944 article)

Seward, Alaska, 384 (1946)

Sheridan, Oregon, 429 (1949)

Sierra Summer School near Huntington Lake, Cal., 100 (1925)

Smith River Family Camp (Coos Bay camp), 567 (1978), 570 (1979), 576 (1981)

Smith's Grove, Kentucky, 11

Smoking (see Tobacco), 510 (1963)

Sonora, Mexico, 540 (1968)

Spokane, Washington, North Central Church of Christ, 581 (1983)

Springfield, Illinois, 414 (1948)

Springfield, Oregon, 120 (1925 sang), 136 (1927), 138 (1927), 573 (1980), 575 (1981)

Springville, California (Florence taught school, 76

Sputnik, 490 (1960)

St. Helens, Oregon, 198 (1931), 548 (1970), 550 (1972), 566 (1977), 567 (1978), 570 (1979)

St. Louis Christian College, 230 (1933), 550 (1970)

St. Louis, Missouri, 550 (1972)

Standish, Maine, 548 (1971)

Staples Mill, 15

State Secretaries, 360 (1945)

Stayton, Oregon, 147

Stockton, Calif , 130 (1926 honeymoon), 509 (1963)

Strathmore, California, 33, 41, 48, 75, 79, 80, 81 (high school), 100 (1925), 131, 213 (1932)

Streator, Illinois, 417 (1948), 450 (1951)

Students for a Democratic Society, 536 (1968)

Suez Canal p, 470 (1956 war)

Sunnyside School, 41

Sweet Home, Oregon, 450 (1951), 454 (1952)


Tatoo, 56

Tejon Pass, California, 48

Television (see TV, and, Toward a New Testament Position�)

Television, 319 (1940 begins), 487-490 (1959), 513 (1964 television), 576 (1980)

Texas Christian University, 582

The Chicago Seven (Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin etc) 545-546 (1970)

The Dalles, Oregon, 199 (1931), 224 (1933), 226 (1933)

Tire for trailer found, 263 (1935), 264 (1935), 265 (1935)

Tithing, 288 (1935)

Tobacco (see "Worldliness"), 247 (1934), 319 (1940 radio message), 320 (1940), 353 (1945), 363 (1945), 467 (1954), 473 (1957), 513 (1964)

Toledo, Ohio, 161 (1929)

Toledo, Oregon, 151-154 (1927), 156 (1927), 159-160 (1928), 161 (1929), 163 (1929), 164, 165, 166 (1930), 180, 267 (1935), 277 (1935 revival *note: book date incorrect), 278 (1935), 279 (1935), 281 (1935), 282 (1935), 289 (1935)

Topeka, Kansas, 550 (1972)

Toppenish, Washington, 522 (1966)

Torpedo!, 61

Touchstone, 341 (1943)

Troutdale Gathering, Oregon, 430 (1949), 432 (1949), 440 (1950), 448 (1951), 458 (1952), 463 (1954), 464 (1954), 468 (1955), 474 (1957 8th), 480 (1958 9th), 519 (1965 flood)

Tulare, 50, (business school), 95

Turlock, California, 107, 414 (1948)

Turner, Oregon, 412 (1948), 429 (1949)

TV (T.V.) Television, 464 (1954), 469-70 (1956), 487-489 (1959), 513 (1964 Bell), 544 (1969)

TV "Anti-TV Churches of Christ," 489 (1959)

Tygh Valley, Oregon, 224 (1933)

U.C.M.S. (see United Christian Missionary Society), 404 (1947)

U.S.S. Pennsylvania, 69

U.S.S. South Dakota (torpedoed), 21, 60, 61, 62 (notes), 208 (1931), 138 (Note: We have information that this was not the name of the ship. We are waiting for an update with the correct name.)


Udell, Iowa Church, 377 (1946)

Ukiah, California, 359 (1945 revival)

Unified Promotion, 343 (1944), 360 (1945)

Union, Oregon, 132 (1926)

United Christian Missionary Society (U.C.M.S), 158, 207 (1931), 222 (1932), 232 (1933),280 (1935), 291 (1936), 292 (1936), 323 (notes: 1940), 340 (1943), 360 (1945), 404 (1947), 412 (1948), 429 (1949 "50-50 compromise")

University of Oregon, 101, 102 (1925), 108, 131, 162 (1929)

Unpardonable Sin, 346 (1944)

Urbana, Illinois, Webber Street Church, 361 (1945)


Valdez Alaska, 384 (1946)

Vancouver, Washington, Minnehaha Church, 166, 446 (1947), 407 (1947), 408 (1947), 440

(1950), 446 (1951), 525 (1966)

Vanport flood at Portland on Columbia River, 418 (May 31,1948)

Venice, California, 48, 49, 70

Vietnam, 439 (1950), 461 (1953), 535 (1968 Tet Offensive), 552 (1973 end)

Virginia Beach, Virginia, 548 (1970)

Visalia, California, 33, 52, 81 (opposing team), 95 (business school), 129 (1926 court house for marriage license), 232 (1933), 251 (1934 revival), 257 (1934), 444 (1951)


WACO quartet, 132 (1926), 136 (1927), 138, 163 (1929)

Wamic, Oregon, 224 (1933)

War, 43 (World War 1 begins), 312, (1939 article by Lappin), 313 (1939 article in Standard), 314

(1939 Article in Voice), 331 (1941 World War 2 begins), 337 (1943), 357 (ends), 461 (1953), 499-500

Warren, Ohio, 41

Warrenton, Oregon, 137 (1927), 440 (1950)

Warsaw Pact, 466 (1955)

Washington Grammar School, 40

Washington, D.C., 73

Washington, Indiana, 343 (1944 meeting)

Watchman, 320 (1940 paper), 333 (1942)

Watergate, 552 (1973)

Watts, California, 517 (1965 riots)

WCTU (Women's Christian Temperance Union), 319 (1940)

Western Kentucky University, 11

Wheatland, Wyoming, 553 (1973)

Whitting, Iowa, 439 (1950)

Wichita, Kansas, 19 (revival), 340 (1943), 342 (1944 -177 responses)

Wichita, Kansas, Westside Christian Church, 345 (1944)

Wilkinson, Indiana, 335 (1942)

Winema, Oregon, 108

Winston-Salem Bible College, 417 (1948 trained black preachers)

Wonder Sawmill, 141 (1927)

Woodlake, 108 (1925), 232 (1933)

Woodland, Washington, 119 (1925 singing)

Workman Street Church, Los Angeles, California, 304 (Don Jessup)

World War, 43 (#1), 331 (#2)

Worldliness (see dancing, card playing, movies, drinking, tobacco), 282 (1935), 364 (1945), 368- 371 (1945), 370 (1945)

Wotten's Place, 76 (dance hall)

Wray, Colorado, 554 (1975)

Wrecked car, 95, 96


Y.M.C.A. (Young Men's Christian Association �YMCA), 55


Yaller Dawg Saloon and Pool Hall, 129 (1926), 188 (1931), 212 (1932), 213 (1932)

Yankee Stadium, 473

Yoncalla, Oregon, 199 (1931), 201 (1931), 202 (1931), 554 (1975)

Youngstown, Ohio, 42

Yuba City, California, 98


I cannot resist mentioning a couple of incidents I recollect.

When I first went to Midwestern School of Evangelism, I was drawn into an argument over using makeup. I maintained that while in some circumstances it could be sinful, under others it was not. The girl with whom I was discussing decided to bring in the heavy artillery and called in Brother Word to straighten me out. He towered over me and pointed a finger at my chest and said, "YOUNG MAN, THE LAST GUY THAT TOLD ME THAT ENDED UP DIVORCED FROM HIS WIFE!" I responded, "Well Brother Word, I guess I don't have to worry. I'm not married!" Without a word, Archie turned on his heal and stalked off. To his credit, over the years he never treated me any less for my impertinence and seemed never to even remember the occasion � and in over 40 years of marriage, my wife and I have never once considered separating -- perhaps because she doesn't use makeup. J

Archie didn't mince words. On another occasion when I asked Archie about his belief against Christians going to war. He answered, "How can a Christian put the crosshairs of a gun on the guy on the other side and say, �I love you brother' --and blow his brains out?"

A. Ralph Johnson

Don and Anna Jean Rodda's wedding was inadvertently omitted in the book.

They were married on June 26th, 1954